Our deepest fear is judgment. Our deepest longing is love. The gospel of grace removes the one and provides the other. Tullian Tchividjian More Quotes by Tullian Tchividjian More Quotes From Tullian Tchividjian The Gospel announces that Jesus came to acquit the guilty. He came to judge and be judged in our place. Christ came to satisfy the deep judgment against us once and for all so that we could be free from the judgement of God, others, and ourselves. Tullian Tchividjian judgement judging jesus The hub of Christianity is not "do something for Jesus." The hub of Christianity is "Jesus has done everything for you". Tullian Tchividjian done christianity jesus The way of God's grace becomes indispensable when we realize that the way of God's law is inflexible. Tullian Tchividjian grace law way In those moments when I'm obsessively counting my sins against me, it is good news to remember that God has counted my sins against Christ. Tullian Tchividjian news sin remember When it comes to understanding and appreciating grace, our biggest problem is our so-called goodness...not our self-perceived badness. Tullian Tchividjian appreciate grace self It's better to feel sorry for doing something bad than to feel superior for doing something good. Tullian Tchividjian superiors sorry feels As long as I am focusing on the faults of others, then I don't have to face my own. Tullian Tchividjian faults faces long A religious approach to marriage is the idea that if we work hard enough at something, we can earn the acceptance, approval, and life we think we deserve because of our obedient performance. Tullian Tchividjian hard-work acceptance religious Even those of us who have tasted the radical saving grace of God find it intuitively difficult not to put conditions on grace. Tullian Tchividjian radical saving grace To be Biblically balanced is to let our theology and preaching be proportioned by the Bible's radically disproportionate focus on God's saving love for sinners seen and accomplished in the crucified and risen Christ. Tullian Tchividjian saving focus christ When God saved me, He gave me a thirst to learn and to read and to study. I thrived in college. I got a bachelor's degree in philosophy and then went to Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. Tullian Tchividjian degrees college philosophy The focus of the Christian faith is not our morality; it is Jesus, who died for our immorality. Tullian Tchividjian focus christian jesus When we imply that our works are for God and not our neighbor, we perpetuate the idea that God's love for us is dependent on what we do instead of on what Christ has done. Tullian Tchividjian done ideas christ Disobedience happens not when we think too much grace but when we think too little of it Tullian Tchividjian grace littles thinking Grief, of course, is not something that operates according to a specific time frame, and it seems cold to suggest otherwise. Yet when we do not grasp that God is present in pain, we eventually insist on victory or, worse, blame the sufferer for not "getting over it" fast enough. This is more than a failure to extend compassion; it's an exercise in cruelty. Tullian Tchividjian pain grief exercise God reminds us again and again that things between He and us are forever fixed. They are the rendezvous points where God declares to us concretely that the debt has been paid, the ledger put away, and that everything we need, in Christ we already possess. This re-convincing produces humility, because we realize that our needs are fulfilled. We don’t have to worry about ourselves anymore. This in turn frees us to stop looking out for what we think we need and liberates us to love our neighbor by looking out for what they need. Tullian Tchividjian humility worry thinking Christianity is not about good people getting better. If anything, it is good news for bad people coping with their failure to be good. The heart of the Christian faith is Good News, not good advice, good technique, or good behavior. Too many people have walked away from the church, not because they’re walking away from Jesus, but because the church has walked away from Jesus. Tullian Tchividjian christian heart jesus Since Genesis 3 we have been addicted to setting our sights on something, someone, smaller than Jesus. Tullian Tchividjian genesis sight jesus To progress is always to begin again. Tullian Tchividjian begin-again progress When you don't have anything to lose, you discover something wonderful: you're free to take great risks without fear or reservation. Tullian Tchividjian reservations risk wonderful