Our old history ends with the Cross; our new history begins with the resurrection. Watchman Nee More Quotes by Watchman Nee More Quotes From Watchman Nee Our bread is not only the Word of God, our meat is not only to do His will, our bread is also...the difficulties that are in our way. Watchman Nee meat christian way The Christian experience, from start to finish, is a journey of faith. Watchman Nee journey christian The Blood deals with what we have done, whereas the Cross deals with what we are. The Blood disposes of our sins, while the Cross strikes at the root of our capacity for sin. Watchman Nee christ-on-the-cross roots blood Revelation is the first step to holiness, and consecration is the second. A day must come in our lives, as definite as the day of our conversion, when we give up all right to ourselves and submit to the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ. Watchman Nee holiness giving-up jesus The Christian faith begins not with a big DO but with a big DONE. Watchman Nee bigs done christian May we always be possessed by the consciousness that we are not our own. Watchman Nee possessed consciousness may Take this as the secret of Christ's life in you: His Spirit dwells in your innermost spirit. Meditate on it, believe in it, and remember it until this glorious truth produces within you a holy fear and wonderment that the Holy Spirit indeed abides in you. Watchman Nee spirit secret believe Our prayers lay the track down which Gods power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails. Watchman Nee revival track prayer We think of the Christian life as a ‘changed life’ but it is not that. What God offers us is an ‘exchanged life,’ a ‘substituted life,’ and Christ is our Substitute within. Watchman Nee substitutes christian thinking The Spirit is both a builder and a dweller. He cannot dwell where he has not built; He builds to dwell and dwells in only what he has built. Watchman Nee builder built spirit Why do so many Christians pray such tiny prayers when their God is so big? Watchman Nee encouraging encouragement christian Everyone who believes in God must have His revelation in his spirit, or else what he believes is not God but mere human wisdom, ideals or words. Such faith cannot endure the test. Watchman Nee tests spirit believe Man's thought is always of the punishment that will come to him if he sins. But God's thought is always of the glory man will miss if he sins. God's purpose for redemption is glory, glory, glory. Watchman Nee purpose missing men Because the Lord Jesus died on the Cross, I have received forgiveness of sins; because the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, I have received new life; because the Lord Jesus has been exalted to the right hand of the Father, I have received the outpoured Spirit. All is because of Him; nothing is because of me. Watchman Nee father hands jesus Our rest lies in looking to the Lord, not to ourselves. Watchman Nee lord lying If Christ lives in us, we will rejoice in everything, and we will thank and praise the Lord. We will say, 'Hallelujah! Praise the Lord' forever. Watchman Nee praise forever christ I want nothing for myself; I want everything for the Lord. Watchman Nee conservative lord want The greatest negative in the universe is the Cross, for with it God wiped out everything that was not of Himself: the greatest positive in the universe is the resurrection, for through it God brought into being all. Watchman Nee resurrection crosses negative The book of Acts is the best aid in approaching our work. We do not find there anyone consecrating himself as a preacher nor anyone deciding to do the Lord's work by making himself a missionary or a pastor. What we do see is the Holy Spirit Himself appointing and sending men out to do the work. Watchman Nee men book religion Numerous Christians do not know how to glorify God in their eating and drinking. They do not eat and drink simply to keep their body fit for the Lord's use but indulge to satisfy their personal desires. We should understand that the body is for the Lord and not for ourselves; hence we should refrain from using it for our pleasure. Food ought not hinder our fellowship with God since it is to be taken purely to preserve the body in health. Watchman Nee taken christian drinking