Production chains, how consumers can drive change: all these things may seem at odds with fashion, but arguably, they're not. Lily Cole More Quotes by Lily Cole More Quotes From Lily Cole I was of the type who gets bullied rather than the one who does the bullying, which I'm glad about. I'd rather be that than a bully. Lily Cole bulliedbullyingdoe I don't think of myself as a role model for others, but I like to live my life by my own integrity. So, in that sense, I might be a positive influence. I do believe you should get over your insecurities and just try to be the best you can. Lily Cole integritybelievethinking People do make assumptions about models. That's their issue, not mine. It doesn't bother me because I'm comfortable enough in my own skin - I know who I am. Lily Cole issueswho-i-ampeople I think in some ways people kind of hate it, but most models recognize that it's a pretty easy job to make a lot of money at in a relatively short time, and you get to travel the world and meet a lot of interesting people. There are extreme highs and extreme lows. I think if it were as clear-cut as "models hate it," then they wouldn't do it. I really enjoyed a lot of the actual aspects of it, but not enough to make it my primary job. It can be quite empty, which is why I pursued other things. Lily Cole hatepeoplethinking The need to protect the environment has emerged as an undeniably important priority for me. Lily Cole prioritiesimportantneeds I don't believe there's an afterlife - but I don't believe there's an end to life. Consciousness goes beyond the bounds of your body. Lily Cole afterlifebodybelieve Don't overpluck your eyebrows. A make-up artist told me this once, and I've always remembered it. Lily Cole rememberedeyebrowsartist I really love any and all manifestations of art, really respect any kind of artistic impulse, whether it's paintings and sculptures or really good filmmaking or music. I really see the relationships between these different mediums as very fluid. I think you see that nowadays, in this postmodern context, there's much more use of different mediums in contemporary art. For me, if you're a creative person, you can choose to make a painting, you can choose to make a film. Lily Cole creativeartthinking I don't personally follow trends; I don't even like the idea of trends. I think it's kind of absurd that you have to change every six months, so I always try and buy things that hopefully I'll like forever, and resonate with me. Lily Cole foreverideasthinking I guess I try and learn all the time from every experience in life, so my thinking is a hybrid of everything. I'd have to attribute some of that to my work in the fashion industry - in some obscure way. Lily Cole fashiontryingthinking I paint - I tend more to abstraction - but not as much as I would like to because of time. I would love to do sculpture - I've toyed with the idea of fitting in a sculpture course. Lily Cole sculpturepaintideas I think subjectivity plays into everything. It's unavoidable; you couldn't avoid it if you tried. I think, potentially, a lot more commercial movies, it seems to be that the people making the films are trying to elicit the same reaction. I think a lot of the most interesting work in art and in films are often kind of polarized opinions and affect people in very different ways, which may be less successful commercially, but they elicit a dialogue that's quite interesting. Lily Cole successfulartthinking I started modeling at 14. It's simple. You respond to what the photographer wants and wear other people's ideas. I got bored with it, though, so I went to university. Lily Cole simplepeopleideas The narrative of so many fairy tales are timeless in so many different cultures, and they have been since the dawn of man. They represent escapism, but they all feature themes that have such poignancy in a modern world. Lily Cole differentdawnmen I have to admit I've always had quite a complex relationship with modeling and with the idea of advertising: not always knowing what I'm advertising and selling. Lily Cole advertisingknowingideas As the generalization goes about the art industry, people can be really challenging and thought-provoking in their thinking and questioning the status quo, and it's really important that the status quo can be questioned and that there are people doing that. Lily Cole peopleartthinking I have made a living off the way I look, and I have really learnt to accept myself for being unusual. Lily Cole unusuallooksway I think models have a lot less power than they did in the '80s, when there were, like, only 10 supermodels who could dictate the rules, whereas now there's so many, and that changes the power dynamic and makes it a more insecure business. Lily Cole supermodelinsecurethinking Every time I have to try on a wig for work, I get excited about the colour; I've often thought about going for a platinum bob or also raven black, as it looks so great against pale skin. But I always end up being loyal to my red colour. Lily Cole pale-skinravensblack Talent is crucial. It needs to be driven by motivation, but blind ambition isn't the key. Lily Cole motivationkeysambition