Pull up your big girl panties and just do it. J.R. Ward More Quotes by J.R. Ward More Quotes From J.R. Ward No Last Meal for you guys, either. Guess we have that in common.” Someone bust out the pom-poms and cheer for the team. Yay. J.R. Ward team guy cheer I'm going to stay here and see if he comes back," Wrath said as the double doors opened and V strode in. "I want the rest of you out searching for him in the city, but before you go, first let's get an update from our very own Katie Couric." He nodded at Vishous. "Katie?" V's glare was the ocular version of a fully extended middle finger J.R. Ward wrath cities doors Life was short, no matter how many days you were granted. And people were precious, each and every one, no matter how many you were lucky enough to have in your life. And love... love was worth dying for. Worth living for, too. -Tohrment J.R. Ward life-and-love dying people [Qhuinn looking a Blay] A tear escaped from that eye . Welling up along the lower lid, it coalesced at the far corner, formed a crystal circle, and grew so fat it couldn’t hold on to the lashes. Slipping free, it meandered downward, getting lost in dark hair at the temple. J.R. Ward eye dark hair V?" "What?" "I will die rather than hurt you." ~Vutch moments~ J.R. Ward vishous dies hurt In the center was a tiny handprint in red paint. J.R. Ward handprints tiny red Fear of change was a weakness J.R. Ward fear-of-change weakness You know you were with the lessers, true?" Butch lifted one of his busted-up hands. "And here I thought I'd been to Elizabeth Arden. J.R. Ward busted knows hands And love … love was worth dying for. Worth living for, too. J.R. Ward worth-living and-love dying Can we screw the 'sorry' part and let me hit you back instead?" Vishous to Butch J.R. Ward let-me screws sorry That scent she threw off was not anything by Chanel. Unless they’d recently added a Tragedy line. J.R. Ward scent lines tragedy God, I miss you," he said in a voice that cracked. "Every night. Every day. J.R. Ward voice missing night His thumb went back and forth over the satin, as if he were rubbing her hip as he had when they'd been together, and he moved his leg over so that it was on top of the skirting. It wasn't the same, though. There was no body underneath, and the fabric smelled like lemons, not her skin. And he was, after all, alone in this room that was not theirs. "God, I miss you," he said in a voice that cracked. "Every night. Every day. J.R. Ward voice missing night Phury knelt beside him and stroked his face. "I've only ever had you to live for. If you die I have nothing. I'm utterly lost. And you are needed here." Zsadist tried to reach out, but couldn't lift his arms as Phury stood up. "God, Z, I keep thinking this tragedy of ours is going to be over. But it just keeps going, doesn't it?" Zsadist blacked out to the sound of his twin's boots heading from the room. J.R. Ward zsadist tragedy thinking As her eyes scanned his face, he feared that she saw everything, right down t the core of him. Where his obsession with her was the strongest. -Butch and Marissa J.R. Ward saws eye faces He's into you, isn't he. Answer the question, Marissa. Flyboy with the superhero plasma... he wants you, doesn't he?" -Butch and Marissa J.R. Ward superhero answers want Darkness will never take me... because I have you. Light of my life, Marissa. That's what you are." -Butch and Marissa J.R. Ward take-me light darkness The guy stroked his goatee. "What do you call twenty guys watching the world series?" "The New York Yankees," Butch replied. J.R. Ward yankees guy new-york We don’t have to talk about Zsadist. That’s okay. He’s the most interesting part of me. J.R. Ward zsadist okay interesting I must confess. Of all of the brotherhood, he was the one I loved first and he remains the one I love the most. For me, he is just the...one. J.R. Ward remains brotherhood firsts