Recover the source of all strength in yourself, and all else will be added to you ... political freedom, the mastery of human thought, the hegemony of the world. Sri Aurobindo More Quotes by Sri Aurobindo More Quotes From Sri Aurobindo In the normal play of our mind there are all sorts of perversions; hence the need to stop all these things and inculcate right thinking, right willing - in other words, Truth must be established. Sri Aurobindo mindplaythinking What have I to forgive and whom? Sri Aurobindo forgiving Life was a sorrowful throb of this Matter teaching it anguish, Teaching it hope and desire trod out too soon in the mire, Life the frail joy that regrets its briefness, life the long sorrow. Sri Aurobindo regretteachinglife All that is born and destroyed is reborn in the sweep of the ages; Life like a decimal ever recurring repeats the old figure. Sri Aurobindo bornagelife Until you get a guidance from above you cannot be sure; but to get this guidance it requires time and sadhana. Sri Aurobindo guidance There are all kinds of people, and in the attempt to build up a solidarity among them, defects of each one affect all the others. Sri Aurobindo solidaritykindpeople Nothing in the many processes of Nature, whether she deals with men or with things, comes by chance or accident or is really at the mercy of external causes. Sri Aurobindo causeschancemen On the top of the head is a Chakra - Sahasradala or the thousand-petalled lotus. There is a Chakra in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows and one in the heart-centre. The region between the navel and head constitutes the mental field. From navel downward extending till the terminus of the spinal chord, mÅ«lÄdhÄra, is the seat of the vital. Sri Aurobindo lotuseseyebrowsheart The Force which has to be called down from above must be pure and quiet because there are all kinds of forces - it will not do to call them all. And one must have sincerity. Sri Aurobindo sinceritykindquiet Thus to act under the guidance coming from above, this is one side of the sadhana, the dynamic side. The other one is the discrimination between the Purusha and the Prakriti. The Purusha will calmly observe, give sanction, choose, but will realise that all this does not belong to him - all these are outside him. This is the static side of the sadhana. These two aspects constitute the basis of Yoga. Sri Aurobindo yogagivingtwo Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act. Sri Aurobindo consciousfirststhinking The yogin becomes aware in part of the action of the supramental power organizing the lower vehicle (ÄdhÄra). A part of it remains behind the veil and prepares itself. Sri Aurobindo veilsvehicleaction Propaganda is necessary only for the sake of money! Sri Aurobindo propagandasake To be free from all egoistic motive, careful of truth in speech and action, void of self-will and self-assertion, watchful in all things, is the condition for being a flawless servant. Sri Aurobindo flawlessspeechself While doing sadhana you must quieten your mind and keep awake the Purusha consciousness behind all your activities. Sri Aurobindo awakeconsciousnessmind The consciousness of the supreme Purusha remains above, but in the mind there may be a Purusha consciousness which they call the cosmic consciousness - it is wide, all-pervading, one. Outside this goes on the play of Prakriti. Sri Aurobindo goes-onmindplay After having stopped the lower activities of the mind, it must be made receptive; and, instead of weaving all kinds of empty and idle thoughts, the mind should receive intuitions from above. Sri Aurobindo weavingintuitionmind The psychic being and the mental being, Manomaya Purusha, are not the same. The psychic being is behind the mind, it is what the Westerners call the soul. It takes interest in the movements of the mind and the vital only when there is a harmony between these movements and the truth above. The knowledge of the psychic being is deeper. Sri Aurobindo psychicssoulmind Yes, this Purusha consciousness must be maintained; otherwise the calm will not last. The knocks and blows that come from outside cannot disturb one, if this Purusha consciousness remains at the back. Sri Aurobindo calmlastsblow Not complete inaction, which is an error, a confusion, a self-delusion, an impossibility, but action full and Sri Aurobindo passionerrorsself