Remember that when you say "I will have non of this exile and this stranger for his face is not like my face and his speech is strange," you have denied America with that word. Stephen Vincent Benet More Quotes by Stephen Vincent Benet More Quotes From Stephen Vincent Benet I shall not rest quiet in Montparnasse. Stephen Vincent Benet body heart lying I have fallen in love with American names, the sharp, gaunt names that never get fat. Stephen Vincent Benet fats fallen names Dreaming men are haunted men. Stephen Vincent Benet dream love men The art finds kingdoms in a foot of ground. Stephen Vincent Benet garden feet art I tried to think of my knowledge, but it was a squirrel's heap of winter nuts. There was no strength in my knowledge any more and I felt small and naked as a new-hatched bird. Stephen Vincent Benet winter knowledge thinking There's nothing compared to the history of writing about the city of New York that you get, say, in Charles Reznikoff. Stephen Vincent Benet cities new-york writing Few people have written significant books about San Francisco. Robert Duncan was, in my opinion, often in the clouds. If he walked the streets a lot he didn't write about as such. Stephen Vincent Benet clouds writing book I do think that the kind of writing that I do will always be around and printed in books, magazines, and now blogs. Stephen Vincent Benet writing book thinking The blog is also a way to continue to register what I see and hear in a day - no matter what the form. In fact, my blog is a complete mixture of forms. Stephen Vincent Benet mixtures matter way I don't think I have ever really gotten Leopold Bloom's interior ramblings out of my head! I am sure that voice continues to inspire the walking consciousness in my work - that is, the way I carry on an interior monologue as I walk through this city. Stephen Vincent Benet voice cities thinking Basically when I'm walking I'm not consciously writing or intending anything. In the manner I have learned from meditation practice, I let things unfold. Stephen Vincent Benet i-have-learned meditation-practice writing Outcasts of war, misfits, rebellious souls, Seekers of some vague kingdom in the stars - They hide out in the hills and stir up trouble, Call themselves prophets, too, and prophesy, That something new is coming to the world, The Lord knows what! Well, it's a long time coming, And, meanwhile, we're the wheat between the stones. Stephen Vincent Benet stars war long Something begins, begins; Starlit and sunlit, something walks abroad, In flesh and spirit and fire. Something is loosed to change the shaken world. Stephen Vincent Benet flesh fire world God pity us indeed, for we are human, And do not always see, The vision when it comes, the shining change, Or, if we see it, do not follow it, Because it is too hard, too strange, too new, Too unbelievable, too difficult, Warring too much with common, easy ways, And now I know this, standing in this light, Who have been half alive these many years, Brooding on my own sorrow, my own pain, Saying "I am a barren bough. Expect, Nor fruit nor blossom from a barren bough." Stephen Vincent Benet pain light years I am tired of loving a foreign muse. Stephen Vincent Benet homesickness muse tired Seine and Piave are silver spoons, Stephen Vincent Benet spoons silver use I had lost something in my youth and made money instead. Stephen Vincent Benet youth made lost If two New Hampshiremen aren't a match for the devil, we might as well give the country back to the Indians. Stephen Vincent Benet home country travel Oh, Georgia booze is mighty fine booze, The best yuh ever poured yuh, But it eats the soles right offen yore shoes, For Hell's broke loose in Georgia. Stephen Vincent Benet georgia hell shoes A phrase may come to me as I am walking, and, once I write it down in my journal, the rest of the poem will unravel from that catalyst. Stephen Vincent Benet phrases writing may