Results from many studies suggest that excessive caffeine intake has a negative influence on male fertility parameters and may lead to couples having a more difficult time becoming pregnant. Lauren Manaker More Quotes by Lauren Manaker More Quotes From Lauren Manaker When equal efforts are made about enhancing fertility, couples appear to have an easier time getting pregnant, it also sets the tone for the pregnancy -- that you are a team. You are equal partners. It starts the whole process on a nice foot. Lauren Manaker health-news The Mediterranean diet incorporates so many foods that have independently been studied and have been shown to correlate with male fertility parameters. Lauren Manaker health-news What I found, with the research, is that sugary caffeinated beverages should be cut out. Lauren Manaker health-news This new study highlights that components that are not included in the Mediterranean diet, like focusing on low pesticide residue produce and including supplementation of specific vitamins, may be a better choice for those undergoing ART. Lauren Manaker top-news