( Reuters/Miramax) Quentin Tarantino toldDeadlineon Monday that Quentin Tarantino did not force Uma Thurman to drive a car nor did Quentin Tarantino angrily confront Uma Thurman as Uma Thurman alleged in her Times story. Quentin Tarantino did admitthat Quentin Tarantino may have rolled Quentin Tarantino eyes and was irritated at Thurman's reservations about doing the scene. Uma Thurman said Quentin Tarantino would not take no for an answer. I ’m sure I was n’t in a rage and I was n’t livid. I did n’t go barging into Uma’s trailer, screaming at Uma Thurman to get into the car, i can imagine maybe rolling my eyes and thinking, we spent all this money taking this stick shift Karmann Ghia and changing the transmission, just for this shot.

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