She is carrying herself through the day, and it’s not an easy task. David Levithan More Quotes by David Levithan More Quotes From David Levithan Please may this not be a game. Please may this not be a game. Because if it’s a game, I know I’m going to lose. David Levithan please games may I had gotten so used to being alone, but never entirely used to it. Never used to it enough to stop wanting the alternative. David Levithan alternatives used enough It is its own form of conversation -- you can learn a lot about people from the stories they tell, but you can also know them from the way they sing along, whether they like the windows up or down, if they live by the map or by the world, if they feel the pull of the ocean. David Levithan ocean stories people I used to think that when I got older, the world would make so much more sense. But you know what? The older I get, the more confusing it is to me. The more complicated it is. Harder. You’d think we’d be getting better at it. But there’s just more and more chaos. The pieces—they’re everywhere. And nobody knows what to do about it. I find myself grasping, Nick. You know that feeling? That feeling when you just want the right thing to fall into the right place, not only because it’s right, but because it will mean that such a thing is still possible? I want to believe in that. David Levithan mean believe fall iv. who was it who invented size zero? who was it who promised that if you got to a certain point you would no longer be? David Levithan size certain zero It's you. You deserve this. There is a reason this is happening to you. David Levithan happenings deserve reason Every person is a possibility. The hopeless romantics feel it most acutely, but even for others, the only way to keep going is to see every person as a possibility. David Levithan possibility hopeless-romantic way The unwarranted devotion. Putting up with the fear of being with the wrong person because you can't deal with the fear of being alone. The hope tinged with doubt, and the doubt tinged with hope. Every time I see these feelings in someone else's face, it weighs me down. David Levithan doubt faces feelings Which is more stubborn, the love or the two arguing people caught within it? David Levithan stubborn two people tiny: did someone die? me: yeah, i did. he smiles again at that. tiny: well, then... welcome to the afterlife. David Levithan welcome afterlife tiny Measure the hope of that moment, that feeling. Everything else will be measured against it. David Levithan that-moment moments feelings The thing about champagne,you say, unfoiling the cork, unwinding the wire restraint, is that is the ultimate associative object. Every time you open a bottle of champagne, it's a celebration, so there's no better way of starting a celebration than opening a bottle of champagne. Every time you sip it, you're sipping from all those other celebrations. The joy accumulates over time. David Levithan wire bottles joy Bad Girl!" She chided. "I'm pretty sure Boris is a boy," I said. "Oh, I know," Mrs. Basil E. assured me. "I just like to keep him confused," Then she and Boris headed off with my future. David Levithan confused girl boys I don’t like it when you use my shampoo, because then your hair smells like me, not you. David Levithan smell use hair Why is it so much easier to talk to a stranger? why do we feel we need to disconnect in order to connect? If I wrote "Dear Sofia" or "Dear Boomer" or "Dear Lily's Great-Aunt" at the top of this postcard, wouldn't that change the words that followed? Of course it would. But the question is: When I wrote "Dear Lily," was that just a version of "Dear Myself"? I know it was more than that. But it was also less than that, too David Levithan aunt order needs Life goes on is a redundancy. Life is defined by its going on. David Levithan redundancy life-is goes-on You went and broke our lives. You are so much worse than a cheater. You killed something. And you killed it when its back was turned. David Levithan cheater broke infidelity Ted is smart and good-looking, but he doesn't use it to good effect, like a rich person that never gives to charity. David Levithan smart use giving Eventually she fell asleep, but I kept the phone against my ear, lulled by her breathing, and her breathing again in the background. And yes, it felt like home. Like everything belonged exactly where it was. David Levithan breathing phones home If you zoom close-if you get really close to someone, if you really get close to yourself-then you lose the other person, you lose yourself entirely. You get so close you can't see anything anymore. David Levithan losing-yourself zoom persons