Sin will usher in the greatest and the saddest losses that can be upon our souls. Thomas Brooks More Quotes by Thomas Brooks More Quotes From Thomas Brooks A preacher's life should be a commentary upon his doctrine... Heavenly doctrines should always be adorned with a heavenly life. Thomas Brooks doctrine church should Till men have faith in Christ, their best services are but glorious sins. Thomas Brooks sin have-faith men What is honor, and riches, and the favor of creatures - so long as I lack the favor of God, the pardon of my sins, a saving interest in Christ, and the hope of glory! O Lord, give me these, or I die! Give me these, or else I shall eternally die! Thomas Brooks honor giving long The best and sweetest flowers of paradise God gives to His people when they are upon their knees. Prayer is the gate of heaven. Thomas Brooks flower prayer people Weak Christians are afraid of the shadow of the cross. Thomas Brooks shadow christian fear Though our private desires are ever so confused, though our private requests are ever so broken, and though our private groanings are ever so hidden from men, yet God eyes them, records them, and puts them upon the file of heaven, and will one day crown them with glorious answers and returns. Thomas Brooks confused eye men There is great danger, yea many times most danger, in the smallest sins... Greater sins do sooner startle the soul, and awaken and rouse up the soul to repentance, than lesser sins do. Little sins often slide into the soul, and breed, and work secretly and undiscernibly in the soul, till they come to be so strong, as to trample upon the soul and to cut the throat of the soul. Thomas Brooks cutting strong soul How many threadbare souls are to be found under silken cloaks and gowns! Thomas Brooks gowns riches soul Though there is nothing more dangerous, yet there is nothing more ordinary, than for weak saints to make their sense and feeling the judge of their condition. We must strive to walk by faith. Thomas Brooks judging ordinary feelings The purpose of God is the sovereign cause of all that good that is in man, and of all that external, internal and eternal good that comes to man. Not works past, for men are chosen from everlasting; not works present, for Jacob was loved and chosen before he was born; nor works foreseen, for men were all corrupt in Adam. All a believer's present happiness, and all his future happiness springs from the eternal purpose of God. Thomas Brooks spring men past It is our wisest and our safest course to stand at the farthest distance from sin; not to go near the house of the harlot, but to fly from all appearance of evil (Prov. 5:8, I Thess. 5:22). The best course to prevent falling into the pit is to keep at the greatest distance; he that will be so bold as to attempt to dance upon the brink of the pit, may find by woeful experience that it is a righteous thing with God that he should fall into the pit. Thomas Brooks sins-not distance fall There is more evil in the least sin than in the greatest affliction. Thomas Brooks affliction sin evil An idle life and a holy heart is a contradiction. Thomas Brooks contradiction holy heart Your life is short, your duties many, your assistance great, and your reward sure; therefore faint not, hold on and hold up, in ways of well-doing, and heaven shall make amends for all Thomas Brooks rewards life-is-short heaven There is no such way to get much grace, as to be thankful for a little grace. He who opens his mouth wide in praise, shall have his heart lled with graces. Ingratitude stops the ear of God, and shuts the hand of God, and turns away the heart of the God of grace; and therefore we had need to be thankful for a little grace. Thomas Brooks being-thankful heart hands Where truth goes, I will go, and where truth is I will be, and nothing but death shall divide me and the truth. Thomas Brooks divides truth-is If it is not strong upon your heart to practice what you read, to what end do you read? To increase your own condemnation? If your light and knowledge be not turned into practice, the more knowing a man you are, the more miserable a man you will be in the day of recompense; your light and knowledge will more torment you than all the devils in hell. Your knowledge will be that rod that will eternally lash you, and that scorpion that will forever bite you, and that worm that will everlastingly gnaw you; therefore read, and labor to know that you may do--or else you are undone forever. Thomas Brooks strong heart men A man full of hope will be full of action. Thomas Brooks christianity action men Truth is mighty and will prevail Thomas Brooks truth-is He that hath deserved hanging may be glad to escape with a whipping. Thomas Brooks whipping punishment may