Since his arrival, the new secretary of state has not held a single press conference. On his first big trip to Europe last month for the G20 summit, Rex Tillerson said less than 50 words in total in response to press questions. Rachel Maddow More Quotes by Rachel Maddow More Quotes From Rachel Maddow What I`m starting to think of as the mythical beast of the Republican establishment, which is the sort of inchoate idea that we keep talking about what they`re going to do and it never seems to have much impact or be manifest in very visible ways, obviously, it is one thing for Donald Trump to have taken a shot like he did early in his campaign at John McCain, calling him not a war hero. Rachel Maddow taken hero war If you want to make the government take a religious side, then make the case, it should be Christian republic. Rachel Maddow government religious christian I don't think vodka is useful. I think it's for people who don't like alcohol, in which case, you probably shouldn't be drinking it. Rachel Maddow drinking people thinking The more you push back on Donald [Trump], whether you`re in the media or whether you are in the GOP establishment, the stronger his base of support comes. Rachel Maddow stronger support media Liberals say that we are secular country with a majority of Christians, absolutely. Rachel Maddow majority christian country Formula 1 racing had a personal scandal right up at the top of its governing body that was so weird, that was so flagrantly salacious and bizarre, that I think it not only reassured American racing fans that Formula 1, yes, really is kind of weird. Rachel Maddow racing body thinking I think scandal probably attracted more American attention to Formula 1 than anything else in American news in decades. And that`s because it was a sex scandal, a particularly lurid sex scandal involving this guy Max Mosley. Rachel Maddow guy sex thinking The idea of the Overton Window is that there`s a fairly narrow window of proposals in any particular policy area that people will take seriously that wouldn`t get you written off as a kook. The way to move or expand that window is to advocate super extreme positions which change the realm of what`s politically possible because after something super nuts has been . Rachel Maddow nuts ideas moving John McCain from the very beginning has been unflinchingly loyal to Sarah Palin. He has never thrown her under the bus. He has never conceded it was a bad decision to pick her. He has never ever said a bad word against her. Rachel Maddow loyal decision said I never had any facial hair in my life. Rachel Maddow facial-hair facial hair No matter what Donald Trump does, he`s guaranteed to have support from the Republican Party. Rachel Maddow support party doe It is about something personal and specific, because when the John McCain campaign in 2008 decided to elevate Sarah Palin from total obscurity to make her his vice presidential running mate, they knew they were making a big strategic gamble.They knew they were taking a big risk and it turned out in the end to be a bad choice. It hurt John McCain`s chances. Rachel Maddow choices hurt running Who knows if John McCain could have won that presidential campaign [2008] in any circumstances when George W. Bush the outgoing Republican president had a 22 percent approval rating. Rachel Maddow approval-rating presidential campaigns The Sarah Palin choice both its timing and the fact that it was her, it was really an audacious strategic move by the McCain campaign to try to change the trajectory of the 2008 presidential race and the initial launch was very successful. She didn`t withstand the scrutiny very well though and the close questioning. Rachel Maddow race successful moving It is hard to know what Sarah Palin means in Republican politics anymore. Rachel Maddow palin republican mean I am too old to know how to put a naked photograph of myself on the Internet. Rachel Maddow naked internet photograph New York congressmen have recently been plagued by a string of embarrassing scandals. Shirtless craigslist hunk Chris Lee, nonconsensual staff tickle monster, Eric Massa, naked texter Anthony Weiner, so this guy is now running to join those dubious ranks and win the Michael Grimm seat. And he`s campaigning on the promise that he`s too old to be too gross. And I`m not paraphrasing the campaign pledge. Rachel Maddow new-york winning running If you have to hire paid actors to impersonate people who politically support you, people don't actually natively politically support you. You are not a political animal that exists in nature. Rachel Maddow support-you animal people I recommend sports, I don't recommend gambling. Rachel Maddow gambling sports I don't feel passionately about politics, i'm not a political person. Is it easy for me to get fired up about someone's position on climate change? No, it's not. On most of these issues, I can see both sides. Rachel Maddow issues political change