Somebody gets to be smart and somebody gets to be dumb. If we win, it'll be because of the president. And if we lose, it'll be because of me. Karl Rove More Quotes by Karl Rove More Quotes From Karl Rove My name is Patrick Fitzgerald ... I like to tear the tops off small animals. Karl Rove tearsnamesanimal Well, marriage is a very important part of our culture and our society. If we want to have a hopeful and decent society, we ought to aim for the ideal. Karl Rove hopefulimportantculture We need to be asking for the vote in the most powerful way possible, which is to have people asking for the vote who are comfortable and look like and sound like the people that we're asking for the vote from. Karl Rove powerfulsoundpeople I know enough about European politics to know you've got a lot of crazy people who make their way onto the ballot. Karl Rove crazypeopleway The labor movement must be destroyed. Karl Rove labor-movementmovementlabor I have become an adjective. There is something called a Rovian-style of campaigning and it's meant as an insult. One columnist said it consists mainly of throwing mud until it sticks. One prominent blogger described the elements of a textbook Rovian race as fear-based, smear-based and anything goes. Karl Rove elementsstylerace Hurricane Sandy interrupted Mr. Romney’s momentum and allowed Mr. Obama to look presidential and bipartisan. Karl Rove momentumpresidentiallooks I believe in limited government and the right of the individual to make choices and in a strong national defense and in freedom and liberty as being the right of every person on the face of the Earth. Karl Rove governmentstrongbelieve Would the Iraq War have occurred without WMD? I doubt it. Karl Rove wmdiraqwar And I think there's something about conservatives frankly - and the Left, when it comes to their channels of persuasion, are unpersuasive. They are, most of them are hate-filled, obscenity-clogged rants of anger and hatred. Karl Rove angerhatethinking Mr. Obama has an ingenious approach to job losses: He describes them as job gains. Karl Rove usalossjobs Would I like to see the Republican Party be the dominant party for whatever time history gives it the chance to be? You bet. Karl Rove partychancegiving I don't know about you, but moderation and restraint is not what I felt when I watched the twin towers crumble to the ground, a side of the Pentagon destroyed, and almost 3,000 of our fellow citizens perish in flames and rubble. Karl Rove flamescitizenstowers It's not comfortable for me to write about my family. I'm not comfortable writing about me. Karl Rove my-familyfamilywriting Ronald Reagan wasn't in the establishment of the Republican Party either, nor was Richard Nixon. Karl Rove republicanestablishmentparty My Greek mythology is not strong enough. Karl Rove stronggreekenough Karl Rove told me about Valerie Plame's identity on July 11, 2003. I called him because Ambassador Wilson was in the news that week. I didn't know Ambassador Wilson even had a wife until I talked to Karl Rove, and he said that she worked at the Agency and worked on WMD. Karl Rove wmdjulyagency Once again the powers of light and good have triumphed over the media! Karl Rove medialight I think it was Osama bin Laden's [idea to start a pre-emptive war in Iraq]. Karl Rove warideasthinking That's important, I think, for people who come here to realize that we are here for only a time and we have an obligation of service and we need to keep things in perspective. Karl Rove perspectivepeoplethinking