Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage Matt Damon More Quotes by Matt Damon More Quotes From Matt Damon I'm usually Matt Damon, i'm a keg-half-full kind of guy, but what I've seen from the monsters on this committee makes me want to puke... and not from beer ! Matt Damon top-news I don’t want to further anybody’s pain, i ’m really sorry. Matt Damon entertainment We’re going to have to figure — you know, there’s a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right ? both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they should n’t be conflated, right ? Matt Damon latest-headlines When Matt Damon see Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken taking a picture putting Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken hands on that woman’s flak jacket and mugging for the camera … that is just like a terrible joke, and it’s not funny. It’s wrong, and he should n’t have done that, but when you talk about Harvey Weinstein and what Harvey Weinstein’s accused of, there are no pictures of that. Harvey Weinstein knew Harvey Weinstein was up to no good. There’s no witnesses. There’s no pictures. There’s no braggadocio. That stuff happened secretly, because it was criminal and he knew it. So they don’t belong in the same category. Matt Damon entertainment I do believe there’s a spectrum of behavior. There’s a difference between patting someone on the butt and rape orchild molestation, right ? Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they should n’t be conflated. Matt Damon entertainment TheLouis C.K. thing, I don’t know all the details. I don’t do deep dives on this, but I did see his statement, which kind of, which [ was ] arresting to me. When he came out and said, ‘ I did this. I did these things. These women are all telling the truth. ’ And I just remember thinking, ‘ Well, that’s the sign of somebody who — well, we can work with that. ’ Like, when I ’m raising my kids, this constant personal responsibility is as important as anything else they learn before they go off in the world. Matt Damon entertainment You guys did it here in one fell swoop and I wish that could happen in my country, but it’s such a personal issue for people that we cannot talk about it sensibly, people get so emotional that even when you make a suggestion about not selling AK-47s to people on terror watch lists, that’s a non-starter. Matt Damon opinion Idris Elba makes everything Idris Elba's in better and Idris Elba would make that franchise better, idris Elba's awesome. Matt Damon entertainment Having to say no to 'Avatar' was tough because I particularly wanted to work with James Cameron, and still do, because he’s fantastic, he knew he was the star of that movie and that everyone was going to go see it anyway. When he said, ‘Look, I’m offering it to you, but if you say no, the movie doesn’t need you,' I remember thinking, ‘Oh God, not only do I have to say no because of scheduling, but he’s going to make a star out of some guy who’s going to start taking jobs from me later.'. Matt Damon entertainment 'Milk' was another hard one because I was excited ... and I would have had the chance to do scenes with Sean Penn, they pushed the schedule and it ran into the slot for 'Green Zone.' Steven Soderbergh’s mantra is, ‘The movie gets the right person; the right actor gets the part,' but I was like, ‘S--t, no. That was my part’. But when I saw 'Milk,' Josh Brolin was so f---ing good that I knew Soderbergh was right. Matt Damon entertainment I couldn’t — there was a scheduling thing. Matt Damon entertainment It's literally been 18 years since I've been here doing this. With a little more context, I know how lucky I am and how lucky I am to do this for a living, when people go see movies, it's just ?? it's kind of rare. I've made a lot of movies that people just didn't go see. Matt Damon top-news The rest of the cast had already wrapped and it was just Ridley and I, he got the sound from their side of the scene and he piped it into my helmet, but didn’t tell me he was going to do it. So suddenly I heard the voices of my friends and it struck me I hadn’t heard another voice for years. I’d been communicating by email. these people were coming to save me, these people who had sacrificed a year of their lives for me. And I just wept. It wasn’t planned or forced, it was about him creating an environment. And it was the dream of an actor because you just have to show up and be relaxed. Matt Damon entertainment Sending people to Mars and returning them safely is the challenge of a generation, journey to Mars will forever change our history books, rewriting what we know about the red planet and expanding the human presence deeper into the solar system. Matt Damon top-news A lot of us spent our adult lives thinking about two hours and three acts. (We're) now migrating to television going, 'OK, how do I tell this story over 20 hours?' the movie that was my bread and butter for years, the $25 million to $50 million character drama, is just gone. They just don't make that anymore. Matt Damon entertainment My comments were part of a much broader conversation about diversity in Hollywood and the fundamental nature of 'Project Greenlight' which did not make the show, i am sorry that they offended some people, but, at the very least, I am happy that they started a conversation about diversity in Hollywood. That is an ongoing conversation that we all should be having. Matt Damon entertainment When we're talking about diversity, you do it in the casting of the film not in the casting of the show, hoo. Wow. OK. Matt Damon entertainment The world doesn't give up on him and it becomes a priority for everybody to go help. And by extension what does that mean about all of our lives? Matt Damon entertainment We're kind of on the cusp of being able to do everything that happens in the movie, with the right funding and the right attention, these are the kinds of things that we will be exploring in the very near future and this is going to be a part of our kids' lives. Matt Damon entertainment (Weir) really got this guy with this great sense of humor, really smart and really capable guy, but somebody who has that great kind of gallows humor that people who do this kind of work tend to have. Matt Damon entertainment