Suppose there aren't any more A + days once you get to be twelve? Wouldn't that be something! To spend the rest of your life looking for an A + day and not finding it. Judy Blume More Quotes by Judy Blume More Quotes From Judy Blume I always had stories inside my head and one day I just decided to start writing them down. I didn't actually decide. Judy Blume one-daystorieswriting Never give up! And remember, determination is as important as talent. Judy Blume giving-upimportantdetermination I love movies, and theater, and kayaking, reading, biking, walking - oh, and dancing. I love to dance! Judy Blume kayakingdancingreading I like revising much, much better than getting down a first draft. The first draft is just getting the pieces to the puzzle. Then I get to put the puzzle together! Judy Blume piecestogetherfirsts Sometimes I can't read my own handwriting. That's a problem! Judy Blume handwritingproblemsometimes I try to create new characters in each book I write. That's what makes writing fun and interesting for me. Judy Blume writingfunbook Sometimes I'll say, "I wrote that book," and the person will look at you as if you're really strange. One time that happened to my daughter on a plane. She was sitting next to a girl who was reading one of my books and my daughter said, "My mother wrote that book." And the girl started to quiz my daughter, asking her all sorts of questions, like what are the names of Judy's children and where did she grow up. My daughter thought it was so funny. Judy Blume daughtergirlmother I kept a diary as a teenager but I never would have shared it with anyone. Still, I think it's very good practice to write things down. Judy Blume teenagerwritingthinking I have to go with what comes naturally to me. Fantasy isn't my thing. I did enjoy the Oz books when I was growing up and certainly my grandson and I read Harry Potter together. You write what you can as well as you can. Judy Blume growing-upwritingbook I've heard that some authors do dream their books and I would love that if it happened to me, but so far it hasn't. Sometimes I'll get a good idea during the night and if I don't write it down, I won't remember it the next morning. Judy Blume dreammorningbook I like to read fiction best and I like to write fiction, too. Judy Blume writingfiction I'm a more skilled writer now, but after 23 books it's harder to be fresh and that's really important to me. I don't want to write the same thing over and over again. Judy Blume importantwritingbook My husband says I have too much imagination, but I don't think a writer can have too much imagination! Judy Blume husbandimaginationthinking I don't believe in writer's block. There are good days when you're writing and less good days. I've learned that if it's not happening to walk away and return later. I doodle a lot and often get my best ideas with a pencil in my hand while I'm doodling. The problem is, sometimes I lose my doodles and that's bad! Judy Blume good-dayblockbelieve Another thing all writers have in common is we're all observers. We pay attention to detail. Judy Blume detailspayattention I'm a people person. I never get tired of watching people, especially young people. Judy Blume tiredyoungpeople Ideas come from everywhere - they come from what you see and hear and imagine. Judy Blume imagineideas I don't think people change; electronics change, the things we have change, but the way we live doesn't change. Judy Blume people-changechangepeopleway If only there was a vaccine to protect against breast cancer, we'd be lining up - wouldn't we? Judy Blume againstonlyupcancer My mother told me once that she had her talk with God whenever she started a new sweater: 'Please don't take me in the middle of the sweater.' And as soon as she finished knitting a sweater, and it was blocked and put together, she already had the wool to start the next sweater so that nothing bad would happen. Judy Blume megodmothertogether