Surrender is a positive, healthy state. Being a surrendered person does not mean one is beaten down and so hopeless he or she has "given up." It's quite the contrary. Judith Orloff More Quotes by Judith Orloff More Quotes From Judith Orloff How you react emotionally is a choice in any situation Judith Orloff emotional strength choices Spirituality isn't static. It's an evolving optimism that won't let hardship get the best of you. Judith Orloff optimism godly spiritual I don't care how intelligent or attractive someone is, if he zaps your energy, he isn't for you. True chemistry is more than intellectual compatibility. Beyond surfaces, you must be intuitively at ease. Judith Orloff intelligent energy intellectual Surrender is a positive, healthy state. Being a surrendered person does not mean one is beaten down and so hopeless he or she has "given up." It's quite the contrary. Surrender is a state of living in the flow, trusting what is, and being open to serendipity and surprises. Judith Orloff serendipity healthy mean All the Hardships. All the Mistakes. All the Rejections. All the Pain. All the times you Questioned why. All of these things have given Birth to the Wisdom and Strength that will Help you Shine your Light on the World, Even in the darkest of Hours. Judith Orloff pain light mistake Certain people give off positive energy, others negative. It's the quality of someone's being, a measure of the love with which they've led their lives. It also reflects the inner work they've done, their efforts to heal anger, hatred, or self-loathing, which poison us like toxic fumes. Judith Orloff anger positive love Trust your intuition. It is the best friend you will ever have. Judith Orloff trust-your-intuition intuition emotional People who hold on to grudges, insist on being right, and try to change other's minds have a difficult time maintaining healthy, happy relationships. Surrendered people easily forgive. They are open to new ideas, and aren't attached to being "right." As a result, people love working and collaborating with them. Others seek them out as mediators and advisers. They are more laid back and relaxed than their rigid counterparts, which makes them highly valued by others. Judith Orloff forgiving healthy people Your soul mate can turn into your cell mate if the mutual desire for growth isn't there. Judith Orloff emotional cells soul An (emotional) vampire goes in for the kill by stirring up your emotions. Pushing your buttons throws you off center, which renders you easier to drain. Of all the emotional types, empaths are often the most devestated. Judith Orloff vampire pushing emotional Remove the emotional and physical clutter from your life so you can soar. Judith Orloff soar clutter emotional Surrender is a state of living in the flow, trusting what is, and being open to serendipity and surprises. Judith Orloff serendipity surprise flow Surrender to life today. Don't fight anything. Just enjoy the flow. Judith Orloff emotional fighting flow Trying to force things only disturbs your goals. Forcing will not help. Everything happens in its right time. Judith Orloff emotional goal trying Fixating on the outcome or needing to know all the details of an upcoming event, such as a trip, causes people to be upset when things don’t go their way, overly focused on the future, and unable to bounce back easily. Inflexible people are susceptible to anger, distress, and depression. Surrendered people go with the flow, shrug it off when an unplanned situation happens, and tend to be happier, more lighthearted, and resilient. They remember to exhale during stress. Judith Orloff upset stress people The relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have. Judith Orloff important-relationships emotional self Look at your life as your main career and your divine classroom. Judith Orloff classroom careers looks Surrendered people enjoy life, relish their personal development, and value their friends. They may have an exceptionally good career and be wealthy, but they are more concerned with meaning and fulfillment. The drive to acquire money and power is a behavior that drains people of their passion and emotional connection to others. Judith Orloff passion emotional people Sometimes violence cannot be stopped no matter what we do. But the more peaceful we are, the better chance we have of bringing out the peace in those around us. Judith Orloff peaceful violence matter When you have no idea how to surrender and you're tied up in knots, JUST BREATHE! Judith Orloff breathe emotional ideas