Ten thousand men possess ten thousand hopes. Euripides More Quotes by Euripides More Quotes From Euripides To the worker, God himself lends aid. Euripides aids workers work Woman is woman's natural ally. Euripides allies women natural If there are none [gods], All our toil is without meaning. Euripides unbelief toil ifs What else goes wrong for a woman-except her marriage? Euripides women Love's all in all to women. Euripides men-women women Dead men have no victory. Euripides dead-man victory men Sufficiency's enough for men of sense. Euripides sufficiency enough men O lady, nobility is thine, and thy form is the reflection of thy nature! Euripides women form reflection What is god, what is not god, what is between man and god, who shall say? Euripides men religion The ways of the gods are long, but in the end they are not without strength. Euripides retribution long way Had I succeeded well, I had been reckoned amongst the wise; our minds are so disposed to judge from the event. Euripides judging wise success Sanity brings pain but madness is a vile thing. Euripides sanity madness pain God gives each his due at the time allotted. Euripides retribution dues giving If your life at night is good, you think you have Everything; but, if in that quarter things go wrong, You will consider your best and truest interests Most hateful. Euripides night sex thinking To every man, even though he be a slave, the light of heaven is sweet. Euripides light sweet men Whoever yields properly to Fate, is deemed Wise among men, and knows the laws of heaven. Euripides fate wise men Let a man accept his destiny, No pity and no tears. Euripides destiny tears men Know we how many tomorrows the gods intend for our todays. Euripides tomorrow time today In adverse hours the friendship of the good shines most; each prosperous day commands its friends. Euripides hours shining trouble The man who melts With social sympathy, though not allied, Is more worth than a thousand kinsmen. Euripides he-man sympathy men