That quality frightens me now, because I know what he told me: that I was broken, that I was worthless, that I was nothing. How many of those things did he make me believe? Veronica Roth More Quotes by Veronica Roth More Quotes From Veronica Roth Sometimes I just... want to see it again. Want to see you awake. Veronica Roth grazing want sometimes I do like to hit people-I like the explosion of power and energy, and the feeling that I am untouchable because I can hurt people. But I hate that part of myself, because it is the part of me that is the most broken Veronica Roth hate hurt people Morning," I say. "Shh," she says. "If you don't acknowledge it, maybe it will go away. Veronica Roth shh going-away morning I am afraid of her, afraid of what she says-and thrilled by it too, because it means I don't have to accept that I am smaller than I once believed. Veronica Roth accepting mean I notice, however, that Peter only pretends to inject himself—when he presses the plunger down, the fluid runs down his throat, and he wipes it casually with a sleeve. I wonder what it feels like to volunteer to forget everything. Veronica Roth volunteer forget-everything running It’s not a perfect situation. But when you have to choose between two bad options, you pick the one that saves the people you love and believe in most. You just do. Okay? Veronica Roth two believe people Let's just hug already," he says. Keeping one hand firm on Caleb's arm, I wrapped my free arm around Zeke, and he does the same. When we break apart, I pull Caleb down the alley, and can't resist calling back, "I'll miss you." "You too, sweetie!" He grins, and his teeth are white in the twilight. They are the last thing I see of him before I have to turn and set out at a trot for the train. Veronica Roth twilight white hands Sometimes all I want is to be a few inches taller so the world does not look like a dense collection of torsos. Veronica Roth doe looks world In that moment I know exactly what I want; I want to peel away all the layers of clothing between us, strip away everything that separates us, the past and the present and the future. Veronica Roth layers want past Being honest doesn't mean you say whatever you want, wherever you want. It means that what you choose to say is true. Veronica Roth honest want mean Sometimes I feel like there is so much to be afraid of, and sometimes I feel like there is nothing left to fear. Veronica Roth left feels sometimes From one tyrant to another. That is the world we know, now Veronica Roth tyrants knows world But when you kill someone you love, the hard part is never over. It just gets easier to distract yourself from what you've done. Veronica Roth someone-you-love easier done Take away someone’s fear, or low intelligence, or dishonesty . . . and you take away their compassion. Take away someone’s aggression and you take away their motivation, or their ability to assert themselves. Take away their selfishness and you take away their sense of self-preservation. Veronica Roth motivation compassion self I was angry with him before. I’m not really sure why. Maybe I was just angry that the world had become such a complicated place, that I have never known even a fraction of the truth about it. Or that I allowed myself to grieve for someone who was never really gone, the same way I grieved for my mother all the years I thought she was dead. Tricking someone into grief is one of the cruelest tricks a person can play, and it’s been played on me twice. Veronica Roth grief mother grieving That’s one way of looking at it. I prefer to look at it another way—which is that if they are persistent enough, even tiny drops of water, over time, can change the rock forever. And it will never change back. Veronica Roth rocks forever water If the Dauntless knew about this, everyone would be getting in line to learn how to drive it,” he says. “Including me.” “No, they would be strapping themselves to the wings.” Christina pokes his arm. “Don’t you know your own faction? Veronica Roth arms lines wings But I killed a man just like my mother did. David says it’s okay because I didn’t mean to, and because he was about to kill that little kid. But I’m pretty sure my mom didn’t mean to kill my dad, either, so what difference does that make, meaning or not meaning to do something? Accident or on purpose, the result is the same, and that’s one fewer life than there should be in the world. Veronica Roth dad mom mother He bends over to untie his shoes. “So, have you been ostracized from your little crowd of devotees?” “No,” I say automatically. Then I add, “Maybe. But they aren’t my devotees.” “Please. They’re like the Cult of Four.” I can’t help but laugh. “Jealous? Wish you had a Cult of Psychopaths to call your very own? Veronica Roth jealous shoes laughing Abnegation produces deeply serious people. People who automatically see things like need,” he says. “I’ve noticed that when people switch to Dauntless, it creates some of the same types. Erudite who switch to Dauntless tend to turn cruel and brutal. Candor who switch to Dauntless tend to become boisterous, fight-picking adrenaline junkies. And Abnegation who switch to Dauntless become . . . I don’t know, soldiers, I guess. Revolutionaries. Veronica Roth fighting soldier people