The daily practice of gratitude is one of the conduits by which your wealth will come to you. Wallace D. Wattles More Quotes by Wallace D. Wattles More Quotes From Wallace D. Wattles Your place in life is not fixed by heredity. Wallace D. Wattles fixedgreatnesslife-is The power which is in you, is in the things around you, and when you begin to move forward by faith, the things will arrange themselves for your advantage. Wallace D. Wattles greatnessmoving-forwardmoving All belief begins in the will to believe. Wallace D. Wattles beliefbelieve Do every common act as a god should do it; speak every word as a god should speak it. Wallace D. Wattles speakshouldcommon There is no hurry. There is only God, and all is well with the world. Wallace D. Wattles wellsworld Your first duty to God, to yourself, and to the world is to make yourself as great a personality, in every way, as you possibly can. Wallace D. Wattles personalitywayworld You still indulge in distrustful fears that things will go wrong, or that people will betray you, or mistreat you; get above all of them. Wallace D. Wattles indulge-infearinspirational First, you believe that there is one intelligent substance, from which all things proceed. Second, you believe that this substance gives you everything you desire. And third, you relate yourself to it by a feeling of deep and profound gratitude. Wallace D. Wattles gratitudeintelligentbelieve Let your thoughts be ruled by principle, and then live up to your thoughts. Wallace D. Wattles principles A person's way of doing things is a direct result of the way he thinks about things. Wallace D. Wattles successinspirationalthinking Intellect helps us to see the best means and manner of doing the right thing, but intellect never shows us the right thing. Wallace D. Wattles intellecthelpingmean A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the Wallace D. Wattles causessubstancethinking Getting rich isn't about doing certain things. It's about doing things in the certain way! Wallace D. Wattles richcertainway Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude. Wallace D. Wattles law-of-attractiongratitudeorder But the value of gratitude does not consist solely in getting you more blessings in the future. Without gratitude you cannot long keep from dissatisfied thought regarding things as they are. Wallace D. Wattles gratitudeblessinglong Gratitude alone can keep you looking toward the all, and prevent you from falling into the error of thinking of the supply as limited, and to do that would be fatal to your hopes. Wallace D. Wattles gratitudefallthinking Do not talk about your greatness; you are really, in essential nature, no greater than those around you. Wallace D. Wattles greatnessessentials The whole process of mental adjustment and atunement can be summed up in one word: Gratitude Wallace D. Wattles adjustmentgratitudeprocess No possible combination of circumstances can keep a man down, if he makes his personal attitude right and determines to rise. Wallace D. Wattles greatnessattitudemen It is the natural and inherent impulse of life to seek to live more, it is the nature of intelligence to enlarge itself, and of consciousness to seek to extend its boundaries and find fuller expression. Wallace D. Wattles consciousnessboundariesexpression