The day before me is fraught with God knows what horrors. John Kennedy Toole More Quotes by John Kennedy Toole More Quotes From John Kennedy Toole The heart is important at any age, I'm afraid. John Kennedy Toole important age heart It will all end very badly, Gus John Kennedy Toole gus ends I suspect that I am the result of particularly weak conception on the part of my father. His sperm was probably emitted in a rather offhand manner. John Kennedy Toole results weak father Mothers got a hard road to travel, believe me. John Kennedy Toole believe-in-me mother believe Oh, New Orleans is such freedom. John Kennedy Toole new-orleans I recommend Batman especially, for he tends to transcend the abysmal society in which he's found himself. His morality is rather rigid, also. I rather respect Batman. John Kennedy Toole morality found Once a person was asked to step into this brutal century, anything could happen John Kennedy Toole brutal century steps Psycho? The woman's senile. We had to stop at about thirty gas stations on the way over here. Finally I got tired of getting out of the car and showing her which was the Men's and which was the Women's, so I let her pick them herself. I worked out a system. The law of averages. I laid money on her and she came out about fifty-fifty. John Kennedy Toole tired average men