The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist. Charles Baudelaire More Quotes by Charles Baudelaire More Quotes From Charles Baudelaire I have cultivated my hysteria with pleasure and terror. Charles Baudelaire hysteria terror pleasure The will to work must dominate, for art is long and time is brief. Charles Baudelaire work time art An artist is an artist only because of his exquisite sense of beauty, a sense which shows him intoxicating pleasures, but which at the same time implies and contains an equally exquisite sense of all deformities and all disproportion. Charles Baudelaire deformity pleasure artist There is no such thing as a long piece of work, except one that you dare not start. Charles Baudelaire innovation inspiration long To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world—impartial natures which the tongue can but clumsily define. The spectator is a prince who everywhere rejoices in his incognito. Charles Baudelaire tongue home world What is irritating about love is that it is a crime that requires an accomplice. Charles Baudelaire best-love crime love-is The lover of life makes the whole world into his family, just as the lover of the fair sex creates his from all the lovely women he has found, from those that could be found, and those who are impossible to find. Charles Baudelaire love sex world It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree. Charles Baudelaire good-luck agreement people The habit of doing one's duty drives away fear. Charles Baudelaire habit duty Let us beware of common folk, of common sense, of sentiment, of inspiration, and of the obvious. Charles Baudelaire common-folk common-sense inspiration Evil is committed without effort, naturally, fatally; goodness is always the product of some art. Charles Baudelaire effort evil art Beware of all the paradoxical in love. It is simplicity which saves, it is simplicity which brings happiness...Love should be love. Charles Baudelaire simplicity should love Music fathoms the sky. Charles Baudelaire fathom sky Discover day to day excitement. Charles Baudelaire day-to-day excitement We love women in proportion to their degree of strangeness to us. Charles Baudelaire proportion women degrees The son will run away from the family not at eighteen but at twelve, emancipated by his gluttonous precocity; he will fly not to seek heroic adventures, not to deliver a beautiful prisoner from a tower, not to immortalize a garret with sublime thoughts, but to found a business, to enrich himself and to compete with his infamous papa. Charles Baudelaire running beautiful adventure Immediate work, even poor, is worth more than dreams. Charles Baudelaire poor dream work I am the vampire at my own veins. Charles Baudelaire veins vampire my-own It is easy to understand why the rabble dislike cats. A cat is beautiful; it suggests ideas of luxury, cleanliness, voluptuous pleasures. Charles Baudelaire cat beautiful ideas Dandyism is the last flicker of heroism in decadent ages.... Dandyism is a setting sun; like the declining star, it is magnificent, without heat and full of melancholy. But alas! the rising tide of democracy, which spreads everywhere and reduces everything to the same level, is daily carrying away these last champions of human pride, and submerging, in the waters of oblivion, the last traces of these remarkable myrmidons. Charles Baudelaire stars pride water