The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian makes me a different kind of woman. Elisabeth Elliot More Quotes by Elisabeth Elliot More Quotes From Elisabeth Elliot Things which sound like platitudes become vital, living and powerful when you have to learn them in the bottom of the barrel, in dark tunnels. Elisabeth Elliot powerfultunnelsdark The question is simply,'Who is your master?'Once that's settled, you ask whether any word have been spoken. If it has, you have your orders. Elisabeth Elliot has-beensmastersorder Sometimes God's refusals are His mercies. Elisabeth Elliot refusalmercysometimes The cross means suffering. Suffering's meaning is to be learned through the cross. Elisabeth Elliot sufferinginspiringmean ...Ponnammal set the example for the others by quietly doing what they did not care to do. Her spirit created a new climate in the place, and the time came when there was not one nurse who would refuse to do whatever needed to be done. Elisabeth Elliot climateexamplenurse Of all things difficult to rule, none were more so than my will and affections. Elisabeth Elliot affectiondifficultinspiring The heart which has no agenda but God's is the heart at leisure from itself. Its emptiness is filled with the Love of God. Its solitude can be turned into prayer. Elisabeth Elliot solitudeprayerheart By trying to grab fulfillment everywhere, we find it nowhere. Elisabeth Elliot christianinspiringtrying The woman who accepts the limitations of womanhood finds in those very limitations her gifts, her special calling which bears her up into perfect freedom, into the will of God. Elisabeth Elliot specialcallingperfect Most of the time we like the idea of our own freedom. There are times when we do not at all like the idea of the freedom of others. If we suffer because of their freedom, let us remember that they suffer because of ours. Elisabeth Elliot sufferingrememberideas The heart set to do the Father's will need never fear defeat. His promises of guidance may be fully counted upon. Does it make sense to believe that the Shepherd would care less about getting His sheep where He wants them to go than they care about getting there? Elisabeth Elliot heartbelievefather Are you afraid? Remember the "fear nots" of the Bible. Elisabeth Elliot christian-inspirationalchristianremember Nothing trains and teaches so powerfully as love. Love attracts. it does not coerce. If the aim of parents is to teach their children to love God they must show their love for Him by loving each other and loving the children. Elisabeth Elliot parentdoechildren We never know what God has up His sleeve. You never know what might happen; you only know what you have to do now. Elisabeth Elliot sleevesknowsmight What sort of world might it have been if Eve had refused the servants offer and had said to him instead, “let me not be like God. Let me be what I was made to be - let me be a woman'? Elisabeth Elliot mademightworld Cold prayers, like cold suitors, are seldom effective in their aims. Elisabeth Elliot suitorscoldprayer Freedom begins way back. It begins not with doing what you want but with doing what you ought - that is, with discipline. Elisabeth Elliot doing-what-you-wantdisciplineway A broken heart is a reminder of our only source of power. Elisabeth Elliot sourcebrokenheart When the Constitution declares that 'all men are created equal,' it is not referring to intelligence, good looks, good humor, height, weight, or income. It is talking about certain rights, 'inalienable', in that they cannot be taken away. Elisabeth Elliot takenrightsmen The world looks for happiness through self-assertion. The Christian knows that joy is found in self-abandonment. 'If a man will let himself be lost for My sake,' Jesus said, 'he will find his true self. Elisabeth Elliot christianmenjesus