The great corporations which we have grown to speak of rather loosely as trusts are the creatures of the State, and the State not only has the right to control them, but it is duty bound to control them wherever the need of such control is shown. Theodore Roosevelt More Quotes by Theodore Roosevelt More Quotes From Theodore Roosevelt He who makes no mistakes makes no progress. Theodore Roosevelt progress leadership mistake Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground. Theodore Roosevelt generous-spirit stars eye Rhetoric is a poor substitute for action, and we have trusted only to rhetoric. If we are really to be a great nation, we must not merely talk; we must act big. Theodore Roosevelt politics political action From its origin to the present hour, in all its vicissitudes, Masonry has been the steady unwearing friend of man. Theodore Roosevelt masonic hours men It is the people, and not the judges, who are entitled to say what their constitution means, for the constitution is theirs, it belongs to them and not to their servants in office—any other theory is incompatible with the foundation principles of our government. Theodore Roosevelt government mean people The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak, so we must and we will. Theodore Roosevelt wildlife habitat speak I think there is only one quality worse than hardness of heart and that is softness of head. Theodore Roosevelt political heart thinking I believe that there should be a very much heavier progressive tax on very large incomes, a tax which should increase in a very marked fashion for the gigantic incomes. Theodore Roosevelt income fashion believe These international bankers and Rockefeller Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. Theodore Roosevelt oil government powerful People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives. Theodore Roosevelt differences leadership people No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned. Theodore Roosevelt progressive-taxation dollars men The Americans of other blood must remember that the man who in good faith and without reservations gives up another country for this must in return receive exactly the same rights, not merely legal, but social and spiritual, that other Americans proudly possess. We of the United States belong to a new and separate nationality. We are all Americans and nothing else, and each, without regard to his birthplace, creed, or national origin, is entitled to exactly the same rights as all other Americans. Theodore Roosevelt giving-up spiritual country The Welfare of Each of Us Is Dependent Fundamentally Upon the Welfare of All of Us Theodore Roosevelt oval welfare dependent Freemasonry teaches not merely temperance, fortitude, prudence, justice, brotherly love, relief, and truth, but liberty, equality, and fraternity, and it denounces ignorance, superstition, bigotry, lust tyranny and despotism. Theodore Roosevelt ignorance lust justice Criticism is necessary and useful; it is often indispensable; but it can never take the place of action, or be even a poor substitute for it. The function of the mere critic is of very subordinate usefulness. It is the doer of deeds who actually counts in the battle for life, and not the man who looks on and says how the fight ought to be fought, without himself sharing the stress and the danger. Theodore Roosevelt stress fighting men It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Theodore Roosevelt change positive inspirational Your attitude about who you are and what you have is a very little thing that makes a very big difference. Theodore Roosevelt differences littles attitude The men and women who have the right ideals . . . are those who have the courage to strive for the happiness which comes only with labor and effort and self-sacrifice, and those whose joy in life springs in part from power of work and sense of duty. Theodore Roosevelt courage spring life The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value. Theodore Roosevelt tree science history Appraisals are where you get together with your team leader and agree what an outstanding member of the team you are, how much your contribution has been valued, what massive potential you have and, in recognition of all this, would you mind having your salary halved. Theodore Roosevelt team leader mind