The most important thing is to be strong. With strength, one can conquer others, and to conquer others gives one virtue. Mao Zedong More Quotes by Mao Zedong More Quotes From Mao Zedong In waking a tiger, use a long stick. Mao Zedong wake-up use long Civilize the mind but make savage the body. Mao Zedong warrior body mind War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun. Mao Zedong chinese-revolution gun war To read too many books is harmful. Mao Zedong reading evil book People of the world, unite and defeat the U.S. aggressors and all their running dogs! Mao Zedong dog running people Learn from the masses, and then teach them. Mao Zedong teach mass inspirational Our enemies are all those in league with imperialism - the warlords, the bureaucrats, the comprador class, the big Landlord class and the reactionary section of the intelligentsia attached to them. The leading force in our revolution is the industrial proletariat. Our closest friends are the entire semi-proletariat and petty bourgeoisie. As for the vacillating middle bourgeoisie, their right wing may become our enemy and their left wing may become our friend - but we must be constantly on our guard and not let them create confusion within our ranks. Mao Zedong struggle class wings Historical experience is written in blood and iron. Mao Zedong iron history blood Communists must never separate themselves from the majority of the people or neglect them by leading only a few progressive contingents in an isolated and rash advance, but must take care to forge close links between the progressive elements and the broad masses. This is what thinking in terms of the majority means. Mao Zedong mean people thinking Communists must be ready at all times to stand up for the truth, because truth is in the interests of the people; Communists must be ready at all times to correct their mistakes, because mistakes are against the interests of the people. Mao Zedong truth-is mistake people We must help all our young people to understand that ours is still a very poor country, that we cannot change this situation radically in a short time, and that only through the united efforts of our younger generation and all our people, working with their own hands, can China be made strong and prosperous within a period of several decades. The establishment of our socialist system has opened the road leading to the ideal society of the future, but to translate this ideal into reality needs hard work. Mao Zedong hard-work strong country The young people are the most active and vital force in society. They are the most eager to learn and the least conservative in their thinking. This is especially so in the era of socialism. Mao Zedong eras people thinking Firstly, do not fear hardship, and secondly, do not fear death. Mao Zedong hardship do-not-fear fear-of-death Enable every woman who can work to take her place on the labour front, under the principle of equal pay for equal work. Mao Zedong equal-pay fronts principles Don't wait untill problems pile up and cause a lot of trouble before trying to solve them. Leaders must march ahead the movement, not lag behind it. Mao Zedong leader waiting trying Be resolute, fear no sacrifice, and surmount every difficulty to win victory. Mao Zedong sacrifice military winning We must have faith, first, that the peasant masses are ready to advance step by step along the road of socialism under the leadership of the Party, and second, that the Party is capable of leading the peasants along this road. These two points are the essence of the matter, the main current. Mao Zedong party essence two The first law of war is to preserve ourselves and destroy the enemy. Mao Zedong law war enemy There is great disorder in the heavens, and the situation is excellent. Mao Zedong excellent disorder heaven The comrades throughout the Party must take all this fully into account and be prepared to overcome all difficulties with an indomitable will and in a planned way. The reactionary forces and we both have difficulties. But the difficulties of the reactionary forces are insurmountable because they are forces on the verge of death and have no future. Our difficulties can be overcome because we are new and rising forces and have a bright future. Mao Zedong self-reliance party struggle