The notion that Raif Badawi must be allowed to heal so that he can suffer this cruel punishment again and again is macabre and outrageous. Amnesty International More Quotes by Amnesty International More Quotes From Amnesty International Today, the United States government announced to the rest of the world that it believes the U.S. and Israel are above the law: that Israel can continue to violate international law and Palestinians' human rights and the U.S. will firmly support it in doing so. Amnesty International world To the Iraqi protesters, the resignation( of Abdul Mahdi) in some parts is a welcome move in terms of the protests yielding some sort of result, but it's nowhere near enough in terms of the demands that protesters have. Amnesty International top-news While in custody the men were tortured by security officers including through electric shocks and beatings. Ali Mohamed al-Arab's toenails were also ripped out. Amnesty International world When I look back at that visit and see now how it has been remembered, I think about myself at age 13. I was going to Catholic school, I was an altar boy, the youth group I went to took place in a convent. Everything I did, my whole life, the Church was at the center of it, and I think about how Pope John Paul II said Pope John Paul II loved me -- well, Pope John Paul II didn't. Amnesty International world I am disgusted with Pope Francis, and utterly repulsed with how the Vatican has conducted itself. Amnesty International world The idea that more than 700 people could all stand trial together in one day, all facing the death penalty in what is clearly a grossly unfair trial that violates Egypt's own constitution beggars belief. Amnesty International world The strategy for repression appears to have been directed from the highest levels of government, president Daniel Ortega and Vice-President Rosario Murillo repeatedly demonized demonstrators and denied they were being killed. Amnesty International world Since yesterday( Thursday), she has received a wave of harassment and threats on social media, including gender-based insults and calls for her arrest, amal Fathy criticized the Egyptian government for failing to protect women, and her arrest has shown just how pertinent her concerns are. It is a dark day when the Egyptian authorities are more concerned with silencing a woman who speaks out about sexual harassment than taking steps to address the issue. Amnesty International top-news Dozens of people suffered a slow and agonizing death at the hands of government forces that should have been protecting them, these unlawful killings must be investigated and all those responsible brought to justice. Amnesty International top-news But this is shocking. We expect that this footage will be investigated -- it’s difficult for us to understand why they would try to sink a refugee boat. Amnesty International latest-headlines The enforced disappearances carried out since 2011 by the Syrian government were perpetrated as part of an organized attack against the civilian population that has been widespread, as well as systematic. Amnesty International world European leaders’ desperate attempts to enlist Turkey as Europe's gatekeeper are ignoring the manifest failures of the Turkish authorities to respect the rights of refugees and migrants. Amnesty International top-news The route which takes refugees and migrants by sea from Turkey to Greece and then over land across Macedonia to Serbia and into Hungary is less deadly than the sea crossing from Libya, but it is still fraught with dangers and obstacles. Amnesty International world The death penalty in India is arbitrary, discriminatory and is often used disproportionately against the poor. Amnesty International world The proposed counter-terrorism law vastly expands the Egyptian authorities’ powers and threatens the most fundamental rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, if approved, it is set to become yet another tool for the authorities to crush all forms of dissent. Amnesty International world One of the key reasons the Egyptian people took to the streets in 2011 was to abolish the 30-year-long state of emergency imposed by Hosni Mubarak, granting the current president similar absolute powers is a deadly blow to human rights in Egypt. Amnesty International world Atena is a prisoner of conscience – she has committed no real crime, she is being unfairly punished simply for exercising her right to free speech, association and assembly. We've been calling on Iran's Supreme Leader and Head of the Judiciary to release Atena immediately. If not, we'll continue to fight for her freedom. Amnesty International world ADX itself has ... become almost entirely a 'lock-down' facility in which prisoners are locked in solitary cells for all but a few hours a week. Amnesty International top-news We only see that mission patrolling right around the borders of Italy. But all these boats that we have seen go down have been going down further afield, so closer to Libya, and these boats are simply not reaching that area. Amnesty International top-news The flogging of Raif Badawi is a vicious act of cruelty which is prohibited under international law, by ignoring international calls to cancel the flogging Saudi Arabia's authorities have demonstrated an abhorrent disregard for the most basic human rights principles. Amnesty International world