The practical reality that in order for us to identify homegrown violent extremism and prevent it or root it out before it takes action, we are going to need the cooperation of Muslim communities in this country. Marco Rubio More Quotes by Marco Rubio More Quotes From Marco Rubio Ultimately, my proposal isn't intended to increase or decrease the amount of federal spending spent on antipoverty programs. Marco Rubio programproposaldream We have also seen an economic crisis that is very serious within Venezuela, we are seeing cutbacks, I believe even more are coming in terms of electricity. Government employees no longer work on Fridays, and that has not been enough. Marco Rubio fridaygovernmentbelieve At a time when the American family is threatened as never before, redefining it away from the union of one man and one woman only promises to weaken it as a child-rearing, values-conveying institution. Marco Rubio dreammenchildren Increasing access to federal student loans has been a bipartisan effort in Washington, one that I have supported. But it has created what many experts believe is a bubble in higher education, not unlike the housing bubble that preceded the financial crisis. Marco Rubio effortdreambelieve It is hard for me to imagine retiring at 65 and spending the next quarter century not working. I expect to be working, doing something productive and fulfilling. Marco Rubio nextimaginedream I've always said that I'm open to changes in the relations between Cuba and the U.S., but that Cuba must make changes also. Marco Rubio cubamaking-changessaid Even today with the problems that we face, who would you rather be? Which country would you trade places with? Marco Rubio facestodaycountry I always tell people I'm running against two Democrats, one that admits it and one that does not. Marco Rubio runningtwopeople American Dream Is Under Assault. People that haven't been able to find a job in months and this growing sense in this country that this is the new normal, well we can't accept that. Marco Rubio dreamjobscountry Their rhetoric is the same as always. The only difference is that the United States has granted them a whole series of concessions, and that the Cuban government has not changed at all. And that is part of the same thing I've always said, this isn't different, nothing has changed on the part of the Cuban government, absolutely nothing has changed on its part. Marco Rubio united-statesdifferencesgovernment So the majority of Americans are conservatives. They believe in things like the Constitution. I know that's weird to some people but they believe in it. Marco Rubio majoritybelievepeople However, however, if the goal is to abandon America's free enterprise economy, if the goal is to convert America into a submissive member of the international community, if the goal is not to fix America, but to change America, then they want leaders that are going to come up here and fight it every step of the way. Marco Rubio fightinggoalamerica When was the last time you heard news accounts of a boatload of American refugees arrive on the shores of another country? Marco Rubio newslastscountry We can not continue to allow this over reliance on government to replace the cornerstone institution that has made the American experience possible. Marco Rubio institutionsgovernmentmade Puerto Rico is a government that is spending money that it doesn't have. What's coming in and what's going out don't match. That is, what they are receiving in taxes is not sufficient to cover the spending that they are taking on. And any entity that does that, whether a family, a business, a government, is going to go broke and bankrupt. They are asking to be given the right to declare bankruptcy, which I think should be an option, as a last resort, if there is no other resource. Marco Rubio receivinggovernmentthinking Let's stop talking about new taxes and start talking about creating new taxpayers, which basically means jobs. Marco Rubio talkingjobsmean You know that big government doesn't hurt big corporations. They've got the best lawyers and accountants in the world. You know who gets destroyed by big government? It's the little guys. Marco Rubio guygovernmenthurt Under Barack Obama, the only 'Change' is that 'Hope' has been hard to find. Now millions of Americans are insecure about their future. But instead of inspiring us by reminding us of what makes us special, he divides us against each other. He tells Americans they're worse off because others are better off. That people got rich by making others poor. Marco Rubio insecurespecialpeople Unlike any other leader in modern American history, we are led today by a president that has decided to pit Americans against each other. Marco Rubio pitsleaderpresident They [ the government of Puerto Rico] are asking to be given the right to declare bankruptcy, which I think should be an option, as a last resort, if there is no other resource. But there also need to be measures, changes within the government of Puerto Rico, in the ways that the island's funds are administered, not just to deal with this budget issue, but also to have, to attract the economic growth that is necessary for Puerto Rico to begin to grow economically. They are losing population, and they are losing economically. Marco Rubio governmentislandsthinking