THE present! it is but a drop from the sea In the mighty depths of eternity. I love it not—it taketh its birth Too near to the dull and the common earth. Letitia Elizabeth Landon More Quotes by Letitia Elizabeth Landon More Quotes From Letitia Elizabeth Landon It is a mistake to be born — another to live — and a third to die. Letitia Elizabeth Landon It is the veriest madness man In maddest mood can frame, To feed the earth with human gore, And then to call it fame. Letitia Elizabeth Landon Life has one vast stern likeness in its gloom Letitia Elizabeth Landon Love has no power to look forward — the delicious consciousness of the present, a faint but delightful shadow of the past, form its eternity. Letitia Elizabeth Landon Modern history might be told by a succession of dinners. Letitia Elizabeth Landon Nothing is too unreasonable nor too unkind for selfishness, acted upon by vanity. Letitia Elizabeth Landon Nothing more indicates those tastes and habits which go so far towards both making and showing the character — as a person's sitting-room. Letitia Elizabeth Landon Once set a strong mind thinking, and you have done all that it needs for its education. Letitia Elizabeth Landon Our own faults are those we are the first to detect, and the last to forgive, in others. Letitia Elizabeth Landon Praise — actual personal praise— oftener frets and embarrasses than it encourages. It is too small when too near. Letitia Elizabeth Landon Silence is love's own peculiar eloquence of bliss. Letitia Elizabeth Landon The attention of a superior is too flattering to our vanity not to call it forth. Letitia Elizabeth Landon The first love-letter is an epoch in love's happy season — it makes assurance doubly sure — that which has hitherto, perhaps, only found utterance in sweet and hurried words, now seems to take a more tangible existence. A love-letter is a proof of how dearly, even in absence, you are remembered. Letitia Elizabeth Landon The free pen, prone to pour out the suggestions of artless affection, vivid imagination, or domestic anecdote, is as much woman's especial instrument as the needle. Letitia Elizabeth Landon The good and the generous action of which we feel incapable is a reproach when done by another. Letitia Elizabeth Landon The history of most fictions would be far stranger than the fictions themselves ; but it would be a dark and sad chronicle. Letitia Elizabeth Landon The past was once the future, and it wrought In the high presence of on-looking thought ; All that we have, was by its efforts brought. Letitia Elizabeth Landon The power of young Joy, like that of young Love, does not travel far on the dusty road of life in general. Letitia Elizabeth Landon The same, yet not the same Letitia Elizabeth Landon There are in existence two periods when we shrink from any great vicissitude—early youth and old age. In the middle of life, we are indifferent to change ; for we have discovered that nothing is, in the end, so good or so bad as it at first appeared. Letitia Elizabeth Landon