The right to life is the first human right. Abortion is killing someone that cannot defend himself. Pope Francis More Quotes by Pope Francis More Quotes From Pope Francis The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love. Pope Francis and-lovehumilityworld Having faith does not mean having no difficulties, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone. Pope Francis knowingdoemean You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them. That's how prayer works. Pope Francis hungryprayingprayer Take care of brothers and sisters who are weaker ... the elderly, the sick, the hungry, the homeless and strangers, because we will be judged on this. Pope Francis elderlysickbrother To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us. Pope Francis changing-the-worldbe-goodworld It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions. Pope Francis our-actionsour-wordschristian Holiness doesn't mean doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things with love and faith. Pope Francis christianfaithlove Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven. Pope Francis forgivenchurchmercy True charity requires courage: Let us overcome the fear of getting our hands dirty so as to help those in need. Pope Francis overcominghandsdirty Let us learn to live with kindness, to love everyone, even when they do not love us. Pope Francis love-everyonekindness The perfect family doesn't exist, nor is there a perfect husband or a perfect wife, and let's not talk about the perfect mother-in-law! It's just us sinners. A healthy family life requires frequent use of three phrases: "May I? Thank you, and I'm sorry" and "never, never, never end the day without making peace." Pope Francis husbandmothersorry Human life must always be defended from its beginning in the womb and must be recognised as a gift of God that guarantees the future of humanity. Pope Francis pro-lifehumanityguarantees Don't let anyone rob you of hope. Pope Francis inspire-womenblack-women-inspirationalafrican-american-women I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security. Pope Francis churchhurtdirty But always think this: do not be afraid of failure. Do not be afraid of falling. In the art of walking, what is important is not avoiding the fall but not remaining fallen. Pope Francis artfallthinking Dear young people, please, don’t be observers of life, but get involved. Jesus did not remain an observer, but he immersed himself. Don’t be observers, but immerse yourself in the reality of life, as Jesus did. Pope Francis realitypeoplejesus A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be - and not building bridges - is not Christian. Pope Francis wallchristianthinking How marvellous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others! Pope Francis charitythe-end-of-the-daywould-be Migrants and refugees are not pawns on the chessboard of humanity. They are children, women and men who leave or who are forced to leave their homes for various reasons, who share a legitimate desire for knowing and having, but above all for being more Pope Francis homemenchildren Dear young people, let us not be satisfied with a mediocre life. Be amazed by what is true and beautiful, what is of God! Pope Francis mediocre-lifebeautifulpeople