The soul conceives, the mind creates, the body experiences. The circle is complete. Neale Donald Walsch More Quotes by Neale Donald Walsch More Quotes From Neale Donald Walsch Miracles seldom occur in the lives of those who do not consider them possible. Neale Donald Walsch miraclebelief The purpose of life is to know yourself, create yourself, experience yourself as Who You Really Are. There is no other reason to do anything. Neale Donald Walsch experience-yourselfpurposelife Your mind is right now filled with old thoughts. Not only old thoughts, but mostly someone else’s old thoughts. It’s important now, it’s time now, to change your mind about some things. This is what evolution is all about. Neale Donald Walsch importantmindthinking Hell is the opposite of joy. It is unfulfillment. It is knowing Who and What You Are, and failing to experience that. It is being less. Neale Donald Walsch knowingoppositesjoy Release the joy that is inside of another, and you release the joy that is inside of you. Neale Donald Walsch laughterjoyhappiness What is important in your life is what you decide is important -- and this decision will indelibly create who you are Neale Donald Walsch importantdecisionlife-is The purpose of life is to create your Self anew, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are. It is to announce and become, express and fulfill, experience and know your true Self. Neale Donald Walsch visionselflife How you shape your attitude is not a small part of how you shape your is the only part. Neale Donald Walsch small-partsshapesattitude a light unto the darkness, and curse it not Neale Donald Walsch curselightdarkness Some people take better care of their car than they do of their body. Most people, in fact, pay little attention to their body until something goes wrong. Yet why create that kind of situation? Look at what you are eating. How much and how often do you exercise? When was your last check-up? Are you treating your physical vehicle as if it is divine? Good for you if you are. If you aren't...why not? Neale Donald Walsch carexercisepeople If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best. Neale Donald Walsch famous-motivationallearningworld Move forward with no second-guessing, no guilt trips, no hesitation. Your purpose is to recreate yourself anew in each moment. Neale Donald Walsch guiltpurposemoving When you find inner peace, neither the presence nor absence of any person, place or thing, condition, circumstance, or situation can be the Creator of your state of mind or the cause of your experience of being. Neale Donald Walsch inner-peacecausesmind Teach your children that they need nothing exterior to themselves to be happy, no person, place or thing, and that true happiness is found within. Neale Donald Walsch feelingschildrenneeds One simple change - seeking and finding peace within - could, if it were undertaken by everyone, end all wars, eliminate conflict and prevent injustice. World peace is a personal thing. What is needed is not a change of circumstance, but a change of consciousness. Neale Donald Walsch simplewarworld Today can be the Best Day of Your Life So Far. And it will be if you choose to see everything in your life today as a miracle. That includes the growing of the grass, the passing of a cloud, the smile on another's face... and the beating of your own heart. Neale Donald Walsch miraclecloudsheart If there is something you choose to experience in your life, do not "want" it-choose it. Neale Donald Walsch experiencewantinspirational The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself you'd like to see 'show up', not what part of another you can capture and hold. Neale Donald Walsch old-lovelove-relationshippurpose Your happy destiny is unavoidable. You cannot be "saved." There is no hell except not knowing this. Neale Donald Walsch spiritualitydestinyknowing Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine of creation. It changes concepts to experience.... Never deny passion, for that is to deny Who You Are, and Who You Truly Want To Be. Neale Donald Walsch fuelpassionwant