The task of evangelism often involves preparing an open road so offenders can find their refuge in Christ. Max Anders More Quotes by Max Anders More Quotes From Max Anders What we do in public determines our reputation; what we do in private determines our character. Max Anders reputationdeterminecharacter The Lord longs to exalt His people as trophies of His work in them. Max Anders trophieslordpeople Mental confusion can be the product of divine discipline. Max Anders disciplineconfusiondivine No amount of human willfulness can overcome God's determined love. Max Anders willfulnessdeterminedovercoming A healthy relationship with God is built on the internal changes He brings about through Christ. Max Anders relationship-with-godhealthychrist A life that is lived without regard to God cannot be called living. Max Anders regard It is sometimes easier to trust God in a life-threatening battle than in the small challenges of daily life. Max Anders trust-in-godbattlechallenges Our lives will last as long as God has something for us to do. Max Anders our-liveslastslong God delights in providing His people with material gain and comfort, although prosperity can pose a threat to spiritual well-being. Max Anders spiritualcomfortpeople Since all wealth ultimately comes from God, His people ought to acknowledge His primacy by offering Him the best of their wealth, time, and abilities. Max Anders wealthofferingpeople God wanted Israel, as He wants Christians, to learn to utterly abhor and detest anything that had the potential of coming between them and their God. The believer's enemies are typically internal rather than external, and they pose a powerful threat to spiritual health and progress. Max Anders powerfulspiritualchristian Kindness that allows barriers to one's relationship with God to spring up is self-destructive. Max Anders selfkindnessspring God chooses people not for what He can do for them, but for the good they can do for others. Max Anders can-dopeople People sometimes punish to exact judgment for past actions. God disciplines in order to teach and always in the interest of those whom he disciplines. Max Anders disciplineorderpast God leads His people whether they are obedient or rebellious, but His leading is far more pleasant when they obey. Max Anders pleasantrebelliouspeople Chastening is a mark of affection, not a sign of rejection. Max Anders affectionmarkrejection Intercessors constitute the greatest unseen group of spiritual heroes in world history. Their labors are not seen, but the results are. Those who pray for the spiritual needs of others do immeasurable good in the world, often preventing (at least for a time) divine judgment. Max Anders unseenherospiritual God expects believers to improve their attitude in giving as well as their giving itself. Max Anders wellsattitudegiving The generous giver, demonstrating the nature of God by his behavior, can never outgive God. Max Anders demonstratinggiverbehavior Giving works best when the Lord's portion is removed first and believers learn to live within the remainder. Max Anders lordgivingfirsts