There are leaders and there are followers. Followers follow leaders and leaders follow their heart More Quotes by More Quotes From When you follow your heart, you're never supposed to do things because of what you think people might say. You do it for the opposite reasons. oppositesheartthinking Most kids are not dreaming of being programmers, scientists or engineers. scientistdreamkids There are no problems that can’t be solved. The world is too full of options. If you can’t solve the #problem, it’s because you haven’t found the right option ... But the answer is always there. problemanswersworld I'm good at thinking outside the box, so much that you realise it's not a box to begin with. think-outside-the-boxboxesthinking If you know how to freestyle, you will never have writer's block. know-howblockknows The way young people are joining communities online, and agreeing and separating themselves and creating their own facts about things like vaccination, is worrying. creatingworrypeople It's never a waste of time or money to invest in yourself, no matter the source. True wealth begins inwards and emits its light outward into everything else, including the people you surround yourself with. lightmatterpeople The world doesn’t need another opinion, they need another person taking action. So I take action because I see the call and respond. actionworldneeds Look at the world. See the problem. And solve it problemlooksworld Things don’t have to end. They can begin again. begin-againends If countries were people, England and France would be old men. Italy would be dead. Compared with them, America is in its 20s. mencountrytravel We need creative people working with broadcasters, making smart content to inspire people to be geniuses. smartcreativepeople If I didn't mould my reality then I'd still be in the ghetto where people like me are supposed to stay. You have to dream your way out of the nightmare. ghettodreamreality If I were a painter, I would paint beautiful bodies - I would paint nipples, and I would paint Bibles. Am I going to say, 'I'm not going to paint this woman's neck because people will think I just want to lick on necks?' Please! That's not what art is about. beautifulartthinking If Apple's a technology company in the music industry, why can't somebody in the music industry make technology? music-industryapplestechnology I don't want to hope anymore. I don't think we should hope anymore. We hoped enough. Now we have to do. We all have to do now. enoughwantthinking When someone is denying what they are, then that's when things start to spiral down. spirals Most of these people who are celebrities now don't do anything to deserve it, so by that fact alone, I don't want to be one. wantfactspeople If my mind's not trying to fix something or create something, I don't know what to do. It just throws me off. mindknowstrying There are five issues that make a fist of a hand that can knock America out cold. They're lack of jobs, obesity, diabetes, homelessness, and lack of good education. issuesjobshands