There is a deep power in words that speak the truth P. C. Cast More Quotes by P. C. Cast More Quotes From P. C. Cast You know about Star Trek?" came out of Stark's mouth before his brain could stop it. Again, the warrior shrugged. "We do have the satellite. P. C. Cast warrior stars brain Stark looked strong and healthy and totally gorgeous. I was distracting myself by wondering what exactly Scottish guys did, or didn't, wear under those kilts when he turned to face me. His smile lit up his eyes. "I can practically hear you thinking. P. C. Cast eye strong thinking Your as slow as a fat kid on crutches P. C. Cast fats crutches kids man, i would have peeled off my shirt faster than you can say bubba loves trucks. P. C. Cast truck shirts men You know how it is with cats: They don't really have owners, they have staff. P. C. Cast staff owners cat Well I ain't Dr. Phil, but I'm smart," she said. "And your shoes are cuter than his," I said, trying to sound at least semi-normal. "Yeah they remind me of Dorothy's ruby slippers, only mine are wedges 'cause I'm more fashion conscious than she was. P. C. Cast shoes smart fashion No problem, I'll get a penguin to show us P. C. Cast penguins problem shows when the thrill of his body fades or changes, and the difficulties of pledging yourself to only one person surface, kindness will be the balm that soothes the wounds of life. P. C. Cast thrill body kindness So I was beginning my new life as a anomaly, which figured about as much as it sucked. P. C. Cast anomalies new-life People today, vampyres and humans alike, believe the earth is just a dead thing that they live on-that it is somehow wrong or evil or barbaric to listen to the voices of the souls of the world, and so the heart and the nobility of an entire way of life dried up and withered away. P. C. Cast voice heart believe Here's the bottom line; writers write. Sometimes words flow easily. Sometimes it's like sloughing through mud. Either way a professional writer keeps writing. P. C. Cast lines writing way If you're too scared to put your dreams, thoughts, desires, fantasies on paper and share them with the world, then being an author isn't the right career for you. P. C. Cast careers dream desire Loving him didn't fix anything. Loving him didn't change anything. Loving him simply made everything else bearable. P. C. Cast bearable loving-him made Last time I saw you, I said that it hurt too much to love you. But I was wrong about that. The truth is it hurts too much not to love you. P. C. Cast too-much hurt love-you I laugh, and it was amazing! I swear I could see my laughter floating around me like puffy things you blow off a dandelion, only instead of being white it was birthday-cake-frosting-blue. wow! Who knew hitting my head and passing out would be so much fun? I wonder if this was what it was like to be high. P. C. Cast laughter blow fun Well, he was wearing those really bad pants ant that awful shirt. Clearly he did need some things explained to him bya teenager, but i didn't think it was the right time to mention his unforunate and obvious fashion impairment. P. C. Cast teenager fashion thinking Sweetie, she-warriors don"t scream. We wow our men with a look, tame them with a smile. P. C. Cast warrior men looks You can borrow my two-carat diamond stud earrings," Aphrodite said. I stopped and looked back at her. "Huh?" She shrugged. "That's as close to a declaration of love as you're gonna get from me. P. C. Cast aphrodite said two That's how Darkness works. It turns love into something bad. P. C. Cast working-it turns darkness Actually, since I'm gay I think I should count for two guys instead of just one. I mean, in me you get the male point of view and you don't have to worry about me wanting to touch your boobies. P. C. Cast gay mean thinking