There is a kind of misguided pity that deals gently with false teachers at the expense of their victims. Max Anders More Quotes by Max Anders More Quotes From Max Anders Curiosity is an enormous challenge to godly living. Max Anders godlycuriositychallenges Worship is accomplished with the life as well as with the words and attitudes of people. Changed and transformed lives testify to the character and supernatural power of the God of heaven. Closeness to Him produces changes in character and holiness. Max Anders attitudecharacterpeople Even the wisest people learn little from their successes; God warns His people against allowing their victories (which He will grant) to lead them into pride and spiritual indifference. Instead, they should pay close attention to God's Word. Max Anders pridespiritualpeople Although their parents died in the wilderness for their stubbornness, Israel could profit from the older generation's failure by remembering that God had used adversity to train them. Max Anders adversityparentisrael Some believers tend to forget God's persistent faithfulness in the face of the spectacular and showy. Max Anders faithfulnessfacesforget Spiritual strength is connected to faithful obedience to God's commands. Max Anders faithfulobediencespiritual The person who believes he must earn the right to go through the door of eternal life will miss the mark. Max Anders missingdoorsbelieve Although the world places a premium on the latest things, some realities are discovered by looking into the past. Max Anders realitypastworld Many people find spiritual growth possible only when times are hard; prosperity tends to promote complacency. Max Anders growthspiritualpeople Demons lie behind much of the world's pagan worship systems. Max Anders worshiplyingworld God's love does not depend on the current spiritual condition of those He loves. Max Anders currentsspiritualdoe One of the greatest testimonials to God's love is His provision of His Word. Max Anders testimonialprovisionlove-is Spiritual leadership ought to be given to those who have proven themselves under stress. Max Anders givenstressspiritual The spiritual heritage of the godly lives on after they are gone. Max Anders godlyspiritualgone God never forgets a promise. Max Anders never-forgetforgetpromise In a world of constant change, God alone is the Rock upon which to build a life. Max Anders constantrocksworld No amount of temporal success can compensate for the loss of God's approval. Max Anders amountapprovalloss Only people of proven character should be placed in positions of spiritual leadership. Max Anders spiritualcharacterpeople Conversion engages the mind as well as the emotions. Max Anders wellsemotionmind What we do in public determines our reputation; what we do in private determines our character. Max Anders reputationdeterminecharacter