There is no pride on earth like the pride of intellect and science. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock More Quotes by Roswell Dwight Hitchcock More Quotes From Roswell Dwight Hitchcock The secret of all success is to know how to deny yourself. Prove that you can control yourself, and you are an educated man; and without this all other education is good for nothing. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock congratulations education success Real power has fullness and variety. It is not narrow like lightning, but broad like light. The man who truly and worthily excels in any one line of endeavor, might also under a change of circumstances, have excelled in some other line. Power is a thing of solidity and wholeness. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock real power men He only is great at heart who floods the world with a great affection. He only is great of mind who stirs the world with great thoughts. He only is great of will who does something to shape the world to a great career. And he is greatest who does the most of all these things and does them best. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock greatness careers heart Religion is not a dogma, nor an emotion, but a service. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock dogma emotion religion Religion implies revelation. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock revelations religion Pleasure is far sweeter as a recreation than a business. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock recreation pleasure Idleness is paralysis. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock paralysis idleness Caesar was Rome's escape from communism. I expect no Caesar; I find on our map no Rubicon. But then I expect to see communistic madness rebuked and ended. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock maps rome madness There are minerals called hydrophanous, which are not transparent till they are immersed in water, when they become so; as the hydrophane, a variety of opal. So it is with many a Christian. Till the floods of adversity been poured over him, his character appears marred and clouded by selfishness and worldly influences. But trials clear away the obscurity, and give distinctness and beauty to his piety. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock adversity christian character In a truly heroic life there is no peradventure. It is always doing or dying. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock heroism dying hero More than this may or may not be a blessing. Certainly it can be a blessing only by being accepted as a trust. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock abundance blessing may True greatness, first of all, is a thing of the heart. It is alive with robust and generous sympathies. It is neither behind its age nor too far before it. It is up with its age, and ahead of it only just so far as to be able to lead its march. It cannot slumber, for activity is a necessity of its existence. It is no reservoir, but a fountain. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock greatness age heart Atheistic morality is not impossible, but it will never answer our purpose. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock atheism purpose answers It is a luxury to learn; but the luxury of learning is not to be compared with the luxury of teaching. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock luxury teaching teacher Money spent on myself may be a millstone about my neck; money spent on others may give me wings like the angels. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock money angel wings Virtue, for us, is obedience to God in Christ. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock obedience virtue christ