There is nothing- Stephen Crane More Quotes by Stephen Crane More Quotes From Stephen Crane And it was as if fate had betrayed the soldier. In death it exposed to his enemies that poverty which in life he had perhaps concealed from his friends. Stephen Crane fate soldier enemy I saw a man pursuing the horizon Stephen Crane horizon saws men The voice of God whispers in the heart Stephen Crane voice soul heart It was surprising that Nature had gone tranquilly on with her golden process in the midst of so much devilment. Stephen Crane midst golden gone It was not well to drive men into final corners; at those moments they could all develop teeth and claws. Stephen Crane teeth finals men If I am going to be drowned – if I am going to be drowned – if I am going to be drowned, why in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate land and trees? Stephen Crane land names sea It perhaps might be said--if any one dared--that the most worthless literature of the world has been that which has been written by the men of one nation concerning the men of another. Stephen Crane literature men world Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches,Raged at his breast, gulped and died,Do not weep.War is kind. Stephen Crane yellow war father Two or three angels Came near to the earth. They saw a fat church. Little black streams of people Came and went in continually. And the angels were puzzled To know why the people went thus, And why they stayed so long within. Stephen Crane angel two long A learned man came to me once. He said, "I know the way, -- come." And I was overjoyed at this. Together we hastened. Soon, too soon, were we Where my eyes were useless, And I knew not the ways of my feet. I clung to the hand of my friend; But at last he cried, "I am lost. Stephen Crane eye men hands Let me into the darkness again. Stephen Crane let-me darkness Doubtless there are other roads. Stephen Crane A serious prophet upon predicting a flood should be the first man to climb a tree. This would demonstrate that he was indeed a seer. Stephen Crane tree men firsts There were many who went in huddled procession,They knew not wither,But, at any rate, success or calamityWould attend all in equality.There was one who sought a new road,He went into direful thickets,And ultimately he died thus, alone;But they said he had courage. Stephen Crane new-roads rate said Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind. Because your lover threw wild hands toward the sky And the affrighted steed ran on alone, Do not weep. War is kind. Hoarse, booming drums of the regiment, Little souls who thirst for fight, These men were born to drill and die. The unexplained glory flies above them, Great is the battle-god, great, and his kingdom -A field where a thousand corpses lie. Do not weep, babe, for war is kind. Stephen Crane fighting war lying I saw a man pursuing the horizon;Round and round they sped.I was disturbed at this;I accosted the man."It is futile," I said,"You can never-""You lie," he cried,And ran on. Stephen Crane horizon men lying Tradition, thou art for suckling children, Thou art the enlivening milk for babes, But no meat for men is in thee. Stephen Crane men children art He vaguely desired to walk around and around the body and stare; the impulse of the living to try to read in dead eyes the answer to the Question. Stephen Crane eye answers trying Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind.Because your lover threw wild hands toward the skyAnd the affrighted steed ran on alone,Do not weep.War is kind. Stephen Crane lovers war hands A mysterious fraternity born out of smoke and danger of death. Stephen Crane fraternity mysterious danger