There's a sort of decency among the dead, a remarkable discretion: you never find them making any complaint against the doctor who killed them! Moliere More Quotes by Moliere More Quotes From Moliere Human weakness is to desire to know what one does not want to know. Moliere weaknesscuriositydesire All the satires of the stage should be viewed without discomfort. They are public mirrors, where we are never to admit that we seeourselves; one admits to a fault when one is scandalized by its censure. Moliere satirefaultsmirrors How easy love makes fools of us. Moliere greatest-lovefooleasy Folk whose own behavior is most ridiculous are always to the fore in slandering others. Moliere ridiculousfolksbehavior They [zealots] would have everybody be as blind as themselves: to them, to be clear-sighted is libertinism. Moliere enlightenmentblindreason Each day my reason tells me so; But reason doesn't rule in love, you know. Moliere each-dayreasonlove-you Man, I can assure you, is a nasty creature. Moliere creaturesnastymen Gold is the key, whatever else we try; and that sweet metal aids the conqueror in every case, in love as well as war. Moliere moneysweetwar One ought to look a good deal at oneself before thinking of condemning others. Moliere dealslooksthinking There is no rampart that will hold out against malice. Moliere malice We are easily duped by those we love. Moliere those-we-lovebest-lovelove-is Doubts are more cruel than the worst of truths. Moliere anxietydoubtworry Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error. Moliere hasteerrorsliterature All right-minded people adore it; and anyone who is able to live without it is unworthy to draw breathe Moliere abledrugpeople In society one needs a flexible virtue; too much goodness can be blamable. Moliere societytoo-muchneeds Without dance, a man can do nothing. Moliere dancingcan-domen We always speak well when we manage to be understood. Moliere wellscommunicationspeak Gold makes the ugly beautiful. Moliere uglygoldbeautiful People of quality know everything without ever having learned anything. Moliere intelligencequalitypeople No reason makes it right To shun accepted ways from stubborn spite; And we may better join the foolish crowd Than cling to wisdom, lonely though unbowed. Moliere stubbornlonelyway