This budget is a Sanjeevani (new life) and an Arunoday (sunrise) for the last man in the line. This budget converts hopes and aspirations of the people into trust. It adds a new ray of hope for the poor and downtrodden sections of the society. Narendra Modi More Quotes by Narendra Modi More Quotes From Narendra Modi A major institutional reform is the move away from merely planning, to transforming India. The setting up of NITI Aayog, is a step in this direction. Narendra Modi indiastepsmoving Small acts can drive reforms. What appears minor can actually be vital and fundamental. Generating 20,000 MW of power attracts a lot of attention. That is important. At the same time, 20,000 MW of power can be saved through a people's movement for energy efficiency. The second is more difficult but is as important as the first. Small indeed, is beautiful. Narendra Modi small-actsbeautifulpeople Reforms are not an end in itself. Reforms must have a concrete objective. Narendra Modi reformindiaends First, we need to focus government on the things that are required of the State. Second, we need to achieve competence in government so that the State delivers on the things it sets out to do. Narendra Modi indiafocusgovernment What is Maximum Governance, Minimum Government? It means government has no business to be in business. Narendra Modi indiagovernmentmean Government systems suffer from two weaknesses. They are complex. And they are slow. We need to change this. Our systems need to be made sharp, effective, fast and flexible. This requires simplification of processes and having trust in citizens. This needs a Policy Driven State. Narendra Modi governmentsufferingtwo We need to cut subsidy leakages, not subsidies themselves. Narendra Modi indiacuttingneeds During freedom struggle, It were authors and artists who made the Nation stand with their pen, and now their pen can create an environment of renaissance when Independent India is on the path of Good Governance. Narendra Modi independentartiststruggle It is every Indian's dream that J&K is happy & there is prosperity. We have to work for this, be it in power or not in power. Narendra Modi prosperityindiadream We always remember the courage of the people of Kargil! We want to make Kargil among India's most developed districts. Narendra Modi indiawantpeople Development must be such that it positively transforms the lives of the common people. Narendra Modi indiadevelopmentpeople India is committed to strong armed forces, well-equipped with modern arms & technology! Narendra Modi armstechnologystrong Society and Government should together give priority to the poorest of poor and make efforts to provide affordable health services. Narendra Modi effortgovernmentgiving Through Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, we want to give impetus to Demand driven development model instead of Supply driven development model. Let the villages say what has to be done, and what not. Narendra Modi villagedevelopmentgiving The strength of my country lies in the huts of the poor; in the villages; in the youth, mothers and sisters; in the farmers...I believe in your strength and hence I believe in the future of our country. Narendra Modi mothercountrylying Lab to land - how to get what is done in the lab to the land, to the farmer. Narendra Modi innovationindialand People of Bihar are the most intelligent people on earth. Narendra Modi intelligentearthpeople Yoga should not be just an exercise, but a means to connect with the world and with nature. It should bring a change in our lifestyle and create awareness within us. Narendra Modi yogaexercisemean We need to make India capable, prosperous. Narendra Modi capableindianeeds There should be momentum created for achievement of goals by 2022. When we celebrate the 75th anniversary of freedom we should achieve targets Narendra Modi momentumachievementgoal