Thus the skilful general conducts his army just as though he were leading a single man, willy-nilly, by the hand. Sun Tzu More Quotes by Sun Tzu More Quotes From Sun Tzu Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans, the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy's forces, the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field, and the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities. Sun Tzu military war art If your enemy is superior, evade him Sun Tzu superiors ifs enemy Pretend to be weak, so your enemy may grow arrogant. Sun Tzu arrogant may enemy Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Sun Tzu strength wisdom life Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards... Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing. Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions. He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain. Sun Tzu military running art The peak efficiency of knowledge and strategy is to make conflict unnecessary. Sun Tzu unnecessary conflict knowledge Do not engage an enemy more powerful than you. And if it is unavoidable and you do have to engage, then make sure you engage it on your terms, not on your enemy's terms. Sun Tzu powerful war art In conflict, straightforward actions generally lead to engagement, surprising actions generally lead to victory. Sun Tzu engagement victory war Without harmony in the State, no military expedition can be undertaken; without harmony in the army, no battle array can be formed. Sun Tzu army battle military Kill one, terrify a thousand. Sun Tzu thousand So a military force has no constant formation, water has no constant shape: the ability to gain victory by changing and adapting according to the opponent is called genius. Sun Tzu victory military water He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them. Sun Tzu art-of-war light exercise Rewards for good service should not be deferred a single day. Sun Tzu business war art He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. Sun Tzu waiting winning war Winning isn't enough. The acme of all skill is to defeat your enemy before taking the field. Sun Tzu leadership winning sports In the tumult and uproar, the battle seems chaotic, but there is no disorder, the troops appear to be milling about in circles but cannot be defeated. Sun Tzu troops circles battle A warrior who is prepared to fight must also be prepared to die. Sun Tzu be-prepared warrior fighting Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated. Sun Tzu military war art In all history, there is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare. Only one who knows the disastrous effects of a long war can realize the supreme importance of rapidity in bringing it to a close. Sun Tzu war peace country Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack. Sun Tzu secret war art