To anyone out there who's working in the system, understand -- you abuse immigrants, physically abuse immigrants, you sexually abuse immigrants, you fail to get the medical care that they need, you break the law of the United States of America, donald Trump may be willing to look the other way, but Elizabeth Warren will not.

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Theyve been to the White House. They talk to people like me, quietly, saying they wish the radical freshmen who get all the magazine covers andall the ink and airtime. Rashida Tlaib and Omar along with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., -- have frequently made front page news since joining Congress in January for their controversial statements and policies, as well as for their vocal criticism of the Trump administration. House Democrats set out an ambitious agenda with legislation on the kitchen table priorities that helped them win the majority protecting the Affordable Care Act, imposing new ethics rules while engaging in aggressive oversight of the Trump administration. Their investigations extend well beyond Special Counsel Robert Muellers probeinto Russian interference in the 2016 election as they dig into the presidents business dealings andpush for Trumps tax returns. But with the spotlight comes high-profile setbacks. Democrats splintered over Ocasio-Cortezs climate change proposal and exposed party divisions over Omars comments on Israels treatment of Palestinians. Tlaib stunned some when, on Day One, she told supporters using an expletive that the new majority would impeach Donald Trump. CLICK HERE FOR THE FOX NEWS APP Conway said Sunday that the invitation is open to any House Democrats who wants to come to the White House to discuss divisive issues like immigration and border security. Lets try to work together. But we have an unserious Congress that is not coming to the table. And the Republicans failed to do their job when they were in charge, no doubt. And House Democrats now are failing to come together in the House.