Tomorrow is our permanent address. e. e. cummings More Quotes by e. e. cummings More Quotes From e. e. cummings Women and men(both little and small) e. e. cummings stars moon rain it may not always be so; and i say that if your lips, which i have loved, should touch another's, and your dear strong fingers clutch his heart, as mine in time not far away; if on another's face your sweet hair lay in such a silence as i know,or such great writhing words as, uttering overmuch, stand helplessly before the spirit at bay; if this should be, i say if this should be- you of my heart, send me a little word; that i may go unto him, and take his hands, saying, Accept all happiness from me. Then shall i turn my face,and hear one bird sing terribly afar in the lost lands. e. e. cummings strong heart sweet Next to of course god America i / love you land of the pilgrims and so forth oh e. e. cummings land love-you america Your slightest look easily will unclose me, though I have closed myself as fingers, you open petal by petal myself a Spring opens her first rose. e. e. cummings rose spring romantic the other guineahen died of a broken heart and we came to New York. I used to sit at a table,drawing wings with a pencil that kept breaking and i kept remembering how your mind looked when it slept for several years,to wake up asking why. So then you turned into a photograph of somebody who’s trying not to laugh at somebody who’s trying not to cry e. e. cummings new-york heart years O sweet spontaneous earth how often have the doting fingers of prurient philosophers pinched and poked thee ,has the naughty thumb of science prodded thy beauty .how often have religions taken thee upon their scraggy knees squeezing and buffeting thee that thou mightest conceive gods (but true to the incomparable couch of death thy rhythmic lover thou answerest them only with spring) e. e. cummings spring sweet life Life ,for eternal us,is now e. e. cummings eternal in a middle of a room stands a suicide sniffing a Paper rose smiling to a self "somewhere it is Spring and sometimes people are in real:imagine somewhere real flowers,but I can't imagine real flowers for if I could,they would somehow not Be real" (so he smiles smiling)"but I will not everywhere be real to you in a moment" The is blond with small hands "& everything is easier than I had guessed everything would be;even remembering the way who looked at whom first,anyhow dancing e. e. cummings real suicide spring What if a dawn of a doom of a dream bites this universe in two, peels forever out of his grave, and sprinkles nowhere with me and you? e. e. cummings dream forever two Miracles are to come. With you I leave a remembrance of miracles: they are by somebody who can love and who shall be continually reborn, a human being. e. e. cummings reborn remembrance miracle All in green went my love of riding on a great horse of gold into the silver dawn. e. e. cummings horse dawn gold who knows if the moon's a balloon,coming out of a keen city in the sky--filled with pretty people? ( and if you and I should get into it,if they should take me and take you into their balloon, why then we'd go up higher with all the pretty people than houses and steeples and clouds: go sailing away and away sailing into a keen city which nobody's ever visited,where always it's Spring)and everyone's in love and flowers pick themselves e. e. cummings flower moon spring Time cannot children,poets,lovers tell- measure imagine,mystery,a kiss -not though mankind would rather know than feel e. e. cummings kissing lovers children When god decided to invent everything he took one reath bigger than a circustent and everything began e. e. cummings decided bigger evolution Seeker of truth follow no path all paths lead where truth is here. e. e. cummings truth-seekers truth-is path Now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened. e. e. cummings poetry nature eye Progress is a comfortable disease. e. e. cummings progress atheism fear Unlove's the heavenless hell and the homeless home. e. e. cummings homeless hell home You shall above all things be glad and young. e. e. cummings all-things young glad The only man, woman, or child who wrote a simple declarative sentence with seven grammatical errors "is dead." e. e. cummings simple cute children