Too much liberty leads both men and nations to slavery. Marcus Tullius Cicero More Quotes by Marcus Tullius Cicero More Quotes From Marcus Tullius Cicero Nor do I regret that I have lived, since I have so lived that I think I was not born in vain, and I quit life as if it were an inn, not a home. Marcus Tullius Cicero regrethomedeath No man should so act as to make a gain out of the ignorance of another. Marcus Tullius Cicero gainsignorancemen Whatever that be which thinks, understands, wills, and acts, it is something celestial and divine. Marcus Tullius Cicero divinitydivinethinking There is, I know not how, a certain presage, as it were, of a future existence; and this takes the deepest root, and is most discoverable, in the greatest geniuses and most exalted souls. Marcus Tullius Cicero soulrootsdeath The nearer I approach death the more I feel like one who is in sight of land at last and is about to anchor in one's home port after a long voyage. Marcus Tullius Cicero sighthomedeath There is no place more delightful than home. Marcus Tullius Cicero home-homedelightfulhome Here is a man whose life and actions the world has already condemned - yet whose enormous fortune...has already brought him acquittal! Marcus Tullius Cicero actionmenworld The following passage is one of those cited by Copernicus himself in his preface to De Revolutionibus: "The Syracusan Hicetas, as Theophrastus asserts, holds the view that the heaven, sun, moon, stars, and in short all of the things on high are stationary, and that nothing in the world is in motion except the earth, which by revolving and twisting round its axis with extreme velocity produces all the same results as would be produced if the earth were stationary and the heaven in motion. . . ." Marcus Tullius Cicero axesstarsmoon An agreement of rash men (a conspiracy). Marcus Tullius Cicero conspiracyagreementmen I cannot find a faithful message-bearer," he wrote to his friend, the scholar Atticus. "How few are they who are able to carry a rather weighty letter without lightening it by reading. Marcus Tullius Cicero faithfulreadingletters Nothing troubles you for which you do not yearn. Marcus Tullius Cicero longingyearningtrouble The home is the empire! There is no peace more delightful than one's own fireplace. Marcus Tullius Cicero fireplacesempireshome Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill. - Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit Marcus Tullius Cicero constantskillspractice On the subject of the nature of the gods, the first question is Do the gods exist or do the not? It is difficult you may say to deny that they exist. I would agree if we were arguing the matter in a public assembly, but in a private discussion of this kind, it is perfectly easy to do so. Marcus Tullius Cicero mayreligionfirsts What is more agreeable than one's home? Marcus Tullius Cicero home The freedom of poetic license. Marcus Tullius Cicero poetic-licensefreedompoetry Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Marcus Tullius Cicero fidelityfaithfulnessnoble The men who administer public affairs must first of all see that everyone holds onto what is his, and that private men are never deprived of their goods by public men. Marcus Tullius Cicero affairmenfirsts While all other things are uncertain, evanescent, and ephemeral, virtue alone is fixed with deep roots; it can neither be overthrown by any violence or moved from its place. Marcus Tullius Cicero ephemeralviolenceroots No well-informed person has declared a change of opinion to be inconstancy. Marcus Tullius Cicero consistencywellsopinion