Truth is truth, whether from the lips of Jesus or Balaam. George MacDonald More Quotes by George MacDonald More Quotes From George MacDonald As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God. George MacDonald son God chooses that men should be tried, but let a man beware of tempting his neighbor. George MacDonald neighbor should men All love will, one day, meet with its return. All true love will, one day, behold its own image in the eyes of the beloved, and be humbly glad. George MacDonald one-day eye life To try too hard to make people good is one way to make them worse. The only way to make them good is to be good, remembering well the beam and the mote. George MacDonald trying people way The Root of All Rebellion: It is because we are not near enough to Thee to partake of thy liberty that we want a liberty of our own different from thine. George MacDonald liberty different roots We are all very anxious to be understood, and it is very hard not to be. But there is one thing much more necessary.' What is that, grandmother?' To understand other people.' Yes, grandmother. I must be fair - for if I'm not fair to other people, I'm not worth being understood myself. I see. George MacDonald anxious grandmother people What God may hereafter require of you, you must not give yourself the least trouble about. Everything He gives you to do, you must do as well as ever you can, and that is the best possible preparation for what He may want you to do next. If people would but do what they have to do, they would always find themselves ready for what came next. George MacDonald preparation giving people In Giving, a man receives more than he gives; and the more is in proportion to the worth of the thing given. George MacDonald charity giving men ...though I cannot promise to take you home," said North Wind, as she sank nearer and nearer to the tops of the houses, "I can promise you it will be all right in the end. You will get home somehow. George MacDonald house home wind As to the pure all things are pure, so the common mind sees far more vulgarity in others than the mind developed in genuine refinement. George MacDonald genuine mind common Beauty and sadness always go together. Nature thought beauty too rich to go forth Upon the earth without a meet alloy. George MacDonald sad together beauty For when is the child the ideal child in our eyes and to our hearts? Is it not when with gentle hand he takes his father by the beard, and turns that father's face up to his brothers and sisters to kiss? when even the lovely selfishness of love-seeking has vanished, and the heart is absorbed in loving? George MacDonald brother father children But it is not the rich man only who is under the dominion of things; they too are slaves who, having no money, are unhappy from the lack of it. George MacDonald rich slave unhappy The full of resurrections... Every night that folds us up in darkness is a death; and those of you that have been out early, and have seen the first of the dawn, will know it - the day rises out of the night like a being that has burst its tomb and escaped into life. George MacDonald dawn darkness night One chief cause of the amount of unbelief in the world is tha tthose who have seen something of the glory of Christ set themselves to theorize concerning him rather than to obey him. George MacDonald causes world religion Fear is faithlessness. George MacDonald fear O Christ, my life, possess me utterly. George MacDonald eye father son The part of the philanthropist is indeed a dangerous one; and the man who would do his neighbour good must first study how not to do him evil, and must begin by pulling the beam out of his own eye. George MacDonald eye evil men It is by loving, and not by being loved, that one can come nearest the soul of another; yea, that, where two love, it is the loving of each other, that originates and perfects and assures their blessedness. I knew that love gives to him that loveth, power over any soul beloved, even if that soul know him not, bringing him inwardly close to that spirit; a power that cannot be but for good; for in proportion as selfishness intrudes, the love ceases, and the power which springs therefrom dies. Yet all love will, one day, meet with its return. George MacDonald spring giving two Remember, then, that whoever does not mean good is always in danger of harm. But I try to give everybody fair play, and those that are in the wrong are in far more need of it always than those who are in the right: they can afford to do without it. George MacDonald play giving mean