Truth wasn't something you went out and found. It was wide and vast and deep and unending, and all you could hope to see was a tiny part of it. And to see that part and to mistake it for the whole was to make of Truth a lie. Margaret Weis More Quotes by Margaret Weis More Quotes From Margaret Weis Is it eradicating evil? Or are we like children, left alone in the house at night, who light candle after candle to keep away the darkness. We don't see that the darkness has a purpose — though we may not understand it — and so, in our terror, we end up burning down the house! Margaret Weis lightnightchildren Hope is the denial of reality. It is the carrot dangled before the draft horse to keep him plodding along in a vain attempt to reach it." "Are you saying we shouldn't hope?" "I'm saying we should remove the carrot and walk forward with our eyes open! Margaret Weis horseeyereality In Endless Quest books, you start the plot, and the character has to make choices. Then you have to write one choice over here, one choice over there. The author might get one or two choices out. Margaret Weis writingcharacterbook I can kill with a single word. I can hurl a ball of fire into the midst of my enemies. I rule a squadron of skeletal warriors, who can destroy by touch alone. I can raise a wall of ice to protect those I serve. The invisible is discernible to my eyes. Ordinary magic spells crumble in my presence... But I bow in the presence of a master. -- Lord Soth to Raistlin Majere Margaret Weis warriorwalleye you wouldn't happen to have a pipe and a bit of tobacco about, would- i heard that! gandalf enjoyed a good pipe! why do you think he's called gandalf the gray? it wasn't for the color of his robes Margaret Weis quit-smokingcolorthinking Great gandalfs ghost! if he had a ghost. i doubt it. he was such a snob. Margaret Weis snobghostdoubt get back, get back! ill turn you into a piglet! ast a bula- no wait. that turns ME into a piglet!! Margaret Weis illwaitingpiglet The blade must past threw the fire, else it breaks. Margaret Weis breakfirepast and someday, fat innkeepers will bow to me. Margaret Weis somedayfatsbows I have sinned enough against the world. Teaching magic to a kender would ensure my damnation. —Raistlin Majere Margaret Weis damnationmagicteaching over protective? a butler in a grade- B movie? someones jewish mother? you got it Margaret Weis gradesbutlersmother Be the hero of your own life. Don't let somebody else play that role. (Vasu) Margaret Weis rolesheroplay I wanted to tell her that sometimes, in my long sleep, I dreamt of her Margaret Weis sleepsometimeslong All the characters and plots were predetermined. Games make bad plots. Margaret Weis makewerebadgames The only cartoon I ever liked was 'Fantasia.' Margaret Weis likedeveronlycartoon