UNUSED LYRIC I’ve never been to Eden But it’s nice I hear tell When I die I’ll go to heaven ’Cause I’ve done my time in hell Nikki Sixx More Quotes by Nikki Sixx More Quotes From Nikki Sixx Friends tell each other what nobody else is willing to tell you. Nikki Sixx willing Sometimes [people] say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. In my case, I am pretty fortunate. [ My kids]'re pretty balanced, cool kids, going through pretty much the same thing all the other kids go through. There's nothing unique about me as a parent. I am a parent. My kids are kids. We do the best we can do. I don't think they know a lot about what I do, other than that I am in this crazy band, Mötley Crüe. Nikki Sixx crazykidsfall I don't fear death; I welcome it with open arms and a smirk. But until that wondrous day, I will continue to savor and celebrate all those who have graduated before me. Nikki Sixx smirkwelcomearms What's exciting about being an artist, still, and what I'm really finding is awesome is that you can do it until you drop. I don't care how many lines I have on my face - I'll keep doing it! Nikki Sixx linescareartist We were telling everybody we weren't getting back together when we were in the studio actually recording. We wanted to try it on, to see how it would fit. Nikki Sixx getting-back-togetherfittrying I feel my spot is somewhere between a bass player and a rhythm guitar player. I play with a pick. I play very aggressively. I always have a distortion pedal in line, and I play less melodies and do more stuff against the guitars that create melodies. Nikki Sixx guitarlinesplayer I forgive my mom for being a psycho and my dad for being a loser. Nikki Sixx dadmommother At birth we are very much like a new hard drive - no viruses, no bad information, no crap that's been downloaded into it yet. It's what we feed into that hard drive that starts the corruption of the files. Nikki Sixx virusesbirthinformation I think anything thats creative really takes my mind off whatever it is that Im going through in my life. If youre going through heartbreak, and you can write a song, its a wonderful win-win, because it takes your mind off the heartbreak, and you get to vent. Nikki Sixx heartwritingsong I remember opening up my first vinyl and seeing the incredible artwork it had. There's nothing like it. You also get that true gritty sound on vinyl that really makes a rock record sound great, which CDs can never achieve. Nikki Sixx cdsopening-uprocks There's a pattern when tours start - a pattern of infighting, of making up, of breaking up, of addiction. There's a pattern of going to jail. There's a pattern of passion for music. Nikki Sixx addictionjailpassion Creativity is not linear, just like the earth is not flat....If you keep going long enough you will always get back to where you started from. That is when you have lived a full life. That is the artist's path. Nikki Sixx creativityartistlong My main camera is a Nikon D3. I use a French camera from the 1800s for wet plate photography, I use a Hasselblad sometimes. But to me the camera really doesn't matter that much. I don't have a preference for film or digital. Nikki Sixx camerasphotographyuse There is something about spending Christmas alone, naked, sitting by the Christmas tree gripping a shotgun, that lets you know your life is spinning dangerously outta control. Nikki Sixx nakedsittingtree Life can be cruel. It´s been my struggle, my personal battle, my obsession to make people see that different isn´t always bad. Nikki Sixx battlestrugglepeople I am the outcast come home to roost and the eggs of tomorrow are incubating in my fame. You hate me, you love me, you made me, and now I am in you. I am like that disease brewing in your loins and I think you like it. Nikki Sixx hatehomethinking Ego is the great enemy. Ego will hold you back every single time. Nikki Sixx egoenemy What's the best angle to cut someone's throat? Well, usually from behind. That's usually how it works. Nikki Sixx throatanglecutting President George Washington used to wear a wig and make-up. I mean, c'mon, if he could do it, I can do it. Nikki Sixx wigspresidentmean It says that alcoholism is a disease, and that it gets passed on from generation to generation. I've told my kids about that: "You've got the crazy gene in you, guys. When it comes time to kick back with the buddies, drink a beer, and watch a football game, just realize that there will be a day when that thing turns on you. So you better keep an eye on it". Nikki Sixx crazyfootballkids