We all live downstream David Suzuki More Quotes by David Suzuki More Quotes From David Suzuki Because we aren't certain about the effects of GMOs, we must consider one of the guiding principles in science, the precautionary principle. Under this principle, if a policy or action could harm human health or the environment, we must not proceed until we know for sure what the impact will be. And it is up to those proposing the action or policy to prove that it is not harmful. David Suzuki gmos guiding-principles impact Conserving energy and thus saving money, reducing consumption of unnecessary products and packaging and shifting to a clean-energy economy would likely hurt the bottom line of polluting industries, but would undoubtedly have positive effects for most of us. David Suzuki packaging energy hurt We have become a force of nature Not long ago, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, forest fires, even earthquakes and volcanic explosions were accepted as “natural disasters or “acts of God.” But now, we have joined God, powerful enough to influence these events. David Suzuki powerful fire earthquakes If one day I look out from my cabin's porch and see a row of windmills spinning in the distance, I won't curse them. I will praise them. It will mean we are finally getting somewhere. David Suzuki distance one-day mean Conventional economics is a form of brain damage. David Suzuki economics damage brain What permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet. We don't know what details of a truly sustainable future are going to be like, but we need options, we need people experimenting in all kinds of ways and permaculturists are one of the critical gangs that are doing that. David Suzuki groups important people If America wants to retain its position as a global power, its president must listen to the people and show strong leadership at this turning point in human history. David Suzuki strong america people We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options. David Suzuki blinders real With the world's human population now at seven billion and growing, and the demand for technology and modern conveniences increasing, we can't control all our negative impacts. But we have to find better ways to live within the limits nature and its cycles impose. David Suzuki impact technology negative Just as fossil fuels from conventional sources are finite and are becoming depleted, those from difficult sources will also run out. If we put all our energy and resources into continued fossil fuel extraction, we will have lost an opportunity to have invested in renewable energy. David Suzuki energy opportunity running Our choices at all levels-individual, community, corporate and government-affect nature. And they affect us. David Suzuki community government nature Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine. David Suzuki fukushima situation imagine We must pay greater attention to keeping our bodies and minds healthy and able to heal. Yet we are making it difficult for our defences to work. We allow things to be sold that should not be called food. Many have no nutritive value and lead to obesity, salt imbalance, and allergies. David Suzuki salt healthy mind More than a billion people lack adequate access to clean water. David Suzuki adequate water people The human brain now holds the key to our future. We have to recall the image of the planet from outer space: a single entity in which air, water, and continents are interconnected. That is our home. David Suzuki intelligent home life People.. especially people in positions of power.. have invested a tremendous amount of effort and time to get to where they are. They really don't want to hear that we're on the wrong path, that we've got to shift gears and start thinking differently. David Suzuki power people thinking From year to year, environmental changes are incremental and often barely register in our lives, but from evolutionary or geological perspectives, what is happening is explosive change. David Suzuki environmental perspective years We have much to learn by studying nature and taking the time to tease out its secrets. David Suzuki tease study secret We are playing Russian roulette with features of the planet’s atmosphere that will profoundly impact generations to come. How long are we willing to gamble? David Suzuki atmosphere impact long Any politician or scientist who tells you these [GMO] products are safe is either very stupid or lying. David Suzuki gmos stupid lying