We can't win - if we nominate someone - if we nominate someone that half of the Republican Party hates, we're going to be fighting against each other all the way to November [of 2016]. We will never win that way. Marco Rubio More Quotes by Marco Rubio More Quotes From Marco Rubio The only people benefiting from the status quo in immigration [in the USA] today are the people trafficking human beings across the border, and the people who are hiring illegal labor for cheap purposes. Marco Rubio usaimmigrationpeople Any time you can degrade or take away the top leadership of an organization, it's a positive step forward. Marco Rubio organizationleadershipsteps We believe in traditional values because without them, without the belief in an all-powerful God, then the very founding of our country was meaningless. It was founded on the principles that our rights come from God. If there is no God, then where do your rights come from other than what your leaders decide they are? Marco Rubio leaderbelievecountry Now, the political class tries to make sense of all of this, but they can't, because never has the political class or the mainstream media that covers them been more out of touch with the American people than they are today. Marco Rubio mediaclasspeople To tackle the big and relevant issues of the day with bold and innovative ideas is without question the most rewarding way to serve. Marco Rubio issueswayideas Every nation on the Earth that embraces market economics and the free enterprise system is pulling millions of its people out of poverty. The free enterprise system creates prosperity, not denies it. Marco Rubio povertyearthpeople Conservatism means believing in a strong national defense. Not because we want war, but because we love peace. Because history has taught us a painful lesson, that weakness is the enemy of peace. That weakness invites violence, that weakness invites war. Marco Rubio strongwarbelieve Conservatism has always been about reforming government and solving problems, and that's why the conservative movement should lead on immigration reform. Marco Rubio reformimmigrationgovernment Americans chose a free enterprise system designed to provide a quality of opportunity, not compel a quality of results. And that is why this is only place in the world where you can open up a business in the spare bedroom of your home. Marco Rubio qualityhomeopportunity We are a people that have always celebrated other people's success so long as we always had the opportunity to meet that success ourselves. That is the American nature. That is the American character. That is one of the things that makes us different from the rest of the world. And I'm afraid we could lose that or are on the verge of losing that. Marco Rubio opportunitycharacterlong We have reached a moment in our history where we think that every problem in America has to have a federal government solution. Every problem in America does not have a federal government solution. In fact, most problems in America do not have a federal government solution and many of them are created by the federal government to begin with. Marco Rubio momentsproblemthinking No community values entrepreneurship and small business more than the Hispanic community. Marco Rubio small-businessentrepreneurshipcommunity The idea that more taxes and more government spending is the best way to help hardworking middle class taxpayers - that's an old idea that's failed every time it's been tried. Marco Rubio governmentclassideas The truth is every problem can't be solved by government. Many are caused by the moral breakdown in our society. And the answers to those challenges lie primarily in our families and our faiths, not our politicians. Marco Rubio governmentchallengeslying I will support whoever is nominated and named by the party. I, at this time, don't plan to get involved in the contest and let it go forward. I had my own contest, it didn't result in victory, and I will let voters decide what will happen. But I will support the Republican candidate. Marco Rubio victorysupportparty Our status as a land of equal opportunity has made us a rich and powerful nation, but it has also transformed lives. It has given people like me the chance to grow up knowing that no dream was too big and no goal out of reach. Marco Rubio growing-uppowerfuldream ISIS are actively recruiting Americans. The attacker in San Bernardino was an American citizen, born and raised in this country. He was a health inspector; had a newborn child and left all that behind to kill 14 people. Marco Rubio isiscountrychildren I want people to make a lot more than $9. $9 is not enough. The problem is that if you can't do that by mandating it in the minimum wage laws. Minimum wage laws never worked in terms of helping the middle class attain more prosperity. Marco Rubio lawclasspeople Our government does not exist to decide the rights, nor to grant them. Our government exists to protect them. And that is why we have a constitution that limits the power of the federal government to a few specific, but important things and we have abandoned that. We have abandoned it in both political parties. Marco Rubio politicalpartyimportant The No. 1 issue in the Hispanic American community is 'How do I leave my children better off than myself? Marco Rubio issuescommunitychildren