We cannot continue to get caught up in having material abundance and yet be fundamentally and spiritually broke. T.I. More Quotes by T.I. More Quotes From T.I. Refuse to give up, your mistakes don't define you. T.I. refuse giving-up mistake Some of y'all are not where you want to be in life, yet you party every weekend. What is it that you’re celebrating? T.I. weekend party want Don't let your emotions overpower your intelligence. T.I. emotion Stop lookin' at what you ain't got, and start being thankful for what you do got. T.I. life-happiness being-thankful hip-hop Even when I lose faith in myself there is something in me that speaks through and says I am not finished yet. T.I. finished loses speak Life can change your directions, even when you ain't planned it. T.I. panic rap hip-hop Adversity builds character and character takes you places money can't. T.I. adversity character Never mind what haters say, ignore them 'til they fade away. T.I. hater rap inspirational Let the losers worry about losin. T.I. loser worry The one thing we all have in common is that we're human. Why pay more attention to the things that make us different over the things that bring us together? T.I. different together attention God will take you through hell, just to get you to heaven. T.I. gods-will hell heaven All you can do is handle it, worst thing you can do is panic. Use it to your advantage, avoid insanity, manage to conquer ever obstacle, make impossible possible. Even when winning's illogical, losing is still far from optional. T.I. use winning insanity Fear aint in the heart of me, i learned just do it, you get courage from your fears right after you go through it. T.I. just-do-it heart If you don't respect nothin' else, you will respect this hustle. T.I. hustle ifs You can't go through the kinds of things I've gone through, as much as I have, without re-evaluating yourself and making adjustments. And you can't endure these horrendous circumstances without developing a certain level of strength and wisdom. T.I. levels kind gone I'm by no means a perfect human being. I experience more than half of my life perpetuating darkness. That was because I was dropped in a place of darkness and expected to find a way out. T.I. darkness perfect mean Some of us were born to hate and some of us were born to be great. T.I. born hate You are not defined by your environment unless you allow yourself to be. T.I. our-environment defined environment Even when winnin's illogical, losin's still far from optional T.I. optional illogical stills Im going to always rise above the doubt that may exist about me. T.I. rise-above doubt may