We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, the historical encounter, the decisive encounter, between God and mankind. He who has faith knows this truly; let him rejoice. Pope Paul VI More Quotes by Pope Paul VI More Quotes From Pope Paul VI Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows. Pope Paul VI motivational inspirational life Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. Pope Paul VI doe teacher men All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today. Pope Paul VI selfish block inspirational Every mother is like Moses. She does not enter the promised land. She prepares a world she will not see. Pope Paul VI mom land mother The task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church. It is a task and mission which the vast and profound changes of present-day society make all the more urgent. Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize. Pope Paul VI profound order people In America, you are not required to offer food to the hungry or shelter the homeless. There is no ordinance forcing you to visit the lonely, or comfort the infirmed. No where in the Constitution does it say you have to provide clothing to the poor. In fact, one of the nicest things about living here in America, is that you really don't have to do anything for anybody. But when you do, you give meaning and provide soul to the concept of community...and develop a sense of purpose to something greater than one's self. Pope Paul VI lonely self america If you want peace, work for justice. Pope Paul VI wisdom truth peace The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer. Pope Paul VI catholic prayer perfect Technological society has succeeded in multiplying the opportunities for pleasure, but it has great difficulty in generating joy. Pope Paul VI pleasure opportunity joy The Eucharistic mystery stands at the heart and center of the liturgy since it is the fount of life by which we are cleansed and strengthened to live not for ourselves but for God and to be united in love among ourselves. Pope Paul VI mystery keys heart Through some crack the smoke of satan has entered into the Church of God. Pope Paul VI satan cracks church The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune. Pope Paul VI tunes age birthday Never reach out your hand unless you're willing to extend an arm. Pope Paul VI reach-out arms hands Without repeating everything that we have already mentioned, it is appropriate first of all to emphasize the following point: for the Church, the first means of evangelization is the witness of an authentically Christian life, given over to God in a communion that nothing should destroy and at the same time given to one's neighbor with limitless zeal. As we said recently to a group of lay people, “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. Pope Paul VI christian teacher mean Peace is not merely the absence of war. Nor can it be reduced solely to the maintenance of a balance of power between enemies. Nor is it brought about by dictatorship. Instead, it is rightly and appropriately called "an enterprise of justice" (Is. 32:7). Peace results from that order structured into human society by its divine founder, and actualized by men as they thirst after ever greater justice. Pope Paul VI men war peace No more war, war never again! Peace, it is peace which must guide the destinies of people and of all mankind. Pope Paul VI destiny war people We must see to it that enthusiasm for the future does not give rise to contempt for the past. Pope Paul VI doe giving past Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves, but whose strength comes from the old trunk, with solid roots in the ground. Pope Paul VI strong roots beauty The command to the Twelve to go out and proclaim the Good News is also valid for all Christians, though in a different way.... the Good News of the kingdom which is coming and which has begun is meant for all people of all times. Those who have received the Good News and who have been gathered by it into the community of salvation can and must communicate and spread it. Pope Paul VI community christian people We would also like you to know that the Church recognizes the riches of the Islamic faith - a faith that binds us to the one God. Pope Paul VI riches islamic church