We have made this inquiry a priority for our government because those touched by this national tragedy have waited long enough. The victims deserve justice, their families an opportunity to be heard and to heal. Justin Trudeau More Quotes by Justin Trudeau More Quotes From Justin Trudeau We defeated the idea that Canadians should be satisfied with less, and that better isn't possible, my friends, this is Canada, where better is always possible. Justin Trudeau world He understands the commitments I've made around ending the combat mission. Justin Trudeau top-news To this country's friends all around the world, many of you have wondered that Canada has lost a compassionate and constructive voice in the world over the past 10 years, well, I have a simple message for you on behalf of 35 million Canadians: we’re back. Justin Trudeau most-read-articles We knew that we were the luckiest kids in the world and that we had done nothing to actually deserve it, it was instead something that we would have to spend the rest of our lives to work very hard to live up to. Justin Trudeau world There is an awful lot at stake, the choice we make is going to have real consequences for the next four years for families, for seniors, for small business. Justin Trudeau world If I earn Canadians' trust in four days' time, it'll be one of my most crucial priorities to begin once again having a productive and constructive relationship with our closest ally and neighbor. Justin Trudeau company-news (Conservative Prime Minister Stephen) Harper continues to make these decisions on a political basis rather (than) on a level of clarity and that's why quite frankly we're seeing global investment hesitant to engage. Justin Trudeau mergers-acquisitions Canada has such a diminished voice on the world stage that Mr. Harper hasn't noticed that Vladimir Putin didn't listen to him when he told him to get out of Ukraine. Justin Trudeau company-news We work productively overall, but at the same time the responsibility of the prime minister of Canada is to stand up for Canadian interests. Justin Trudeau company-news Our (military) commitments will, among other things, ensure that the Royal Canadian Navy is able to operate as a blue water fleet well into the future, by choosing to replace the existing CF-18s with a more affordable aircraft than the F-35s, we will be able to guarantee the delivery of current procurements for the navy. Justin Trudeau company-news If we wander around as politicians jumping at every shadow and desperately afraid of having our words taken out of context or attacks layered on in an unfair way, I think we're actually doing a disrespect to Canadians, to people's intelligence. Justin Trudeau wordsintelligenceshadowpeople I am a teacher. It's how I define myself. A good teacher isn't someone who gives the answers out to their kids but is understanding of needs and challenges and gives tools to help other people succeed. That's the way I see myself, so whatever it is that I will do eventually after politics, it'll have to do a lot with teaching. Justin Trudeau goodmyselfgood-teacherteacher We need to make sure we're all working together to change mindsets, to change attitudes, and to fight against the bad habits that we have as a society. Justin Trudeau fightsocietychangetogether Openness, respect, integrity - these are principles that need to underpin pretty much every other decision that you make. Justin Trudeau yourespectdecisionintegrity We have created a society where individual rights and freedoms, compassion and diversity are core to our citizenship. But underlying that idea of Canada is the promise that we all have a chance to build a better life for ourselves and our children. Justin Trudeau diversitysocietylifechildren I know and I've always felt for Canada that we recognize that diversity is a great source of strength. Justin Trudeau greatknowdiversitystrength Of all the memories I have of my father and of our relationship, none is warmer and more poignant than what happened a year before he died, when he came to visit me while I was teaching at West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver. Justin Trudeau merelationshipmemoriesfather Canada has always been there to help people who need it. Justin Trudeau helpneedcanadapeople Gender equality is not only an issue for women and girls. Justin Trudeau onlygenderequalitywomen I remember the bad times as a succession of painful emotional snapshots: Me walking into the library at 24 Sussex, seeing my mother in tears, and hearing her talk about leaving while my father stood facing her, stern and ashen. Justin Trudeau metearsmotherfather