We have no sufficient strength of our own. All our sufficiency is of God. We should stir up ourselves to resist temptations in a reliance upon God's all-sufficiency and the omnipotence of his might. Matthew Henry More Quotes by Matthew Henry More Quotes From Matthew Henry The greatest of men must turn beggars when they have to do with Christ. Matthew Henry turns men christ Those who deceive others, deceive themselves, as they will find at last, to their cost. Matthew Henry cost deceiving lasts Humility is the great preserver of peace and order in all Christian churches and societies, consequently pride is the great disturber of them, and the cause of most dissensions and breaches in the church. Matthew Henry pride humility christian ...When we are waiting upon God to bless us, we should stir up ourselves to bless him. Matthew Henry bless should waiting Earth is embittered to us, that heaven may be endeared. Matthew Henry earth may heaven A state of apostasy is worse than a state of ignorance. Matthew Henry apostasy states ignorance I shall be supplied with whatever I need; and, if I have not everything I desire, I may conclude it is either not fit for me, or I shall have it in due time. Matthew Henry desire may needs Poor people are as much in danger from an inordinate desire towards the wealth of the world as rich from an inordinate delight in it. Matthew Henry delight desire people Hearkners, we say, seldom hear good of themselves. Matthew Henry Grace in the soul is heaven in that soul. Matthew Henry soul grace heaven The kingdom of heaven was never intended to indulge the ease of triflers, but to the rest of them that labor. Matthew Henry kingdoms ease heaven Holy joy will be oil to the wheels of our obedience. Matthew Henry oil wheels joy Sanctified afflictions are spiritual promotions. Matthew Henry promotion affliction spiritual God's promises are to be our pleas in prayer. Matthew Henry prayer promise Why wilt thou be so sottish, such an enemy to thyself, as to prefer puddle-water, and that poisoned too and stolen, before pure living waters out of thy own well? Matthew Henry puddles water enemy We must believe that He is able to do what He will, wise to do what is best, and good, according to His promise, to do what is best for us, if we love Him, and serve Him. Matthew Henry wise believe promise To a good man, God gives not only wisdom and knowledge, but joy. Matthew Henry joy giving men Take Jesus for your king, and by baptism swear allegiance to him; take him for your prophet, and hear him; take him for your priest, to make atonement for you. Matthew Henry baptism kings jesus Not lost, but gone before. Matthew Henry losing gone lost Though we must never think to learn above our Bible, as long as we are here in this world, yet we must still be getting forward in it. Matthew Henry long world thinking