We have the option ... you freeze the accounts at the banks and you tell the institutions 'you're either going to do business with the United States, or you can do business with North Korea'. Ed Royce More Quotes by Ed Royce More Quotes From Ed Royce A diplomatic solution is only possible with a strong, coherent, moderate opposition that can serve as a bridge from Assad to a new post-conflict government.Yet the administration has done little to help the opposition.Its feeble train-and-equip program is now defunct. Ed Royce latest-headlines Russia has been aggressively pushing its claims to the Arctic, especially the resource-rich continental shelf. It now has an Arctic Command to strengthen its military presence in the region. The U.S. and others bordering the Arctic must maintain a united front against Moscow’s aggressive ambitions toward this vital region. Ed Royce latest-headlines I don't disagree that the current state of the legal authorities the President is using against ISIS is less than ideal from our institution's perspective, but that does not equal illegal and unconstitutional. Ed Royce politics What we're talking about are weapons that are purely defensive but are absolutely necessary if there's going to be any credible deterrence to what the Russians are doing town by town now in the east. Ed Royce politics Every member on the House floor felt the prime minister's passion and resolve to confront this challenge. Ed Royce politics I'm hearing less about dismantlement and more about the performance of Iran's nuclear program, that's particularly disturbing when you consider that international inspectors report that Iran has still not revealed its past bomb work. Ed Royce us The significance of this new Executive Order may come from the broad power it gives the president to target anyone who is a part of the North Korean government, or is assisting them in any way … that is if the administration chooses to use it to its full advantage, we need to step up and target those financial institutions in Asia and beyond that are supporting the brutal and dangerous North Korean regime. Ed Royce top-news For the first time in our history, we have the Federal Reserve, a traditional bank regulator, overseeing one-third of the insurance sector. Ed Royce company-news That's what's most worrisome about this decision. Ed Royce politics The Small Business Lending Fund was cleverly named by its authors last Congress. Since its implementation, however, it would appear a more appropriate name would be the Bailed Out Bank Refinancing Fund. Ed Royce banknamesmallbusiness I am fighting vigorously for less spending, less waste and limited government. I strongly believe that the more government grows, the less freedom Americans have. Ed Royce i-amfreedomgovernmentbelieve The U.S. should support the Nigerian government to stay in Sierra Leone under the ECOMOG umbrella. The U.S. should also support other countries, including Ghana, in ECOMOG until stability is established. Ed Royce stayumbrellasupportgovernment The Unites States used to use law enforcement to aggressively target North Korea illicit activities - counterfeiting U.S. currency, drug-running, counterfeit cigarettes and pharmaceuticals - until diplomacy gutted those efforts. The effort should be reinvigorated. Ed Royce diplomacytargeteffortlaw History is full of examples of regimes that were oppressing at home and aggressive abroad, and I can't think of too many liberal democracies engaging in counterfeiting, drug running, missile proliferation, and just about any other illegal activity you can think of as North Korea does. Ed Royce thinkyouhomehistory The mantra from the Obama State Department is 'smart power' - the not-so-new idea that all elements of national power should be utilized to influence other countries. Ed Royce mantrasmartinfluencepower